

2015-01-19    01'08''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

3150 308

更多内容,请关注我们今天的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus China has launched the Silk Road tourism year in Xi'an, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province, to attract more visitors on the ancient Silk Road which linked China with central Asia. Every year the China National Tourism Administration sets a theme for tourism promotion. Inspired by the Silk Road, China will promote western provinces for their rich culture and tourism appeal. Officials say the Silk Road tourism year will facilitate regional cooperation, deepen mutual understanding and establish mutually beneficial ties for all related countries. Shaanxi Province is investing more in tourism and cementing its position as the starting point of the Silk Road. The Silk Road n. 丝绸之路 指起始于古代中国,连接亚洲、非洲和欧洲的一条商业贸易路线。它是东西方在经济、政治、文化等各方面进行交流的主要道路。它的最初作用是运输中国出产的丝绸。德国地理学家Ferdinand Freiherr von Richthofen 在19世纪70年代将其命名为“丝绸之路”,后被广泛接受。 Shaanxi 陕西 请特别注意,第二个a不能漏。山西和陕西的拼音都是Shanxi,为了加以区别,英语中山西保持Shanxi的拼法,陕西则多加一个a。 link A with B 把A和B连接在一起,可以进一步引申为“将两者扯上关系”。这里的介词with也可换成to。 例句: Fingerprints linked the suspect to the case. (指纹把嫌疑人和案件联系到了一起。) The media have linked him with various women over the years, but he has always kept quiet about his personal life. (这些年来,媒体先后把他和许多女人扯上关系,但他始终守口如瓶,不透露自己的私生活。) China National Tourism Administration n. 中国国家旅游局 facilitate regional cooperation 促进地区间合作 高频新闻短语,建议背诵。 deepen mutual understanding 加深彼此了解 高频新闻短语,建议背诵。 cement vt. 巩固,粘牢 大家一般比较熟悉cement作名词(水泥)的用法。其实它的动词用法也很常见,尤其是cement one’s position(巩固某人的地位)这样的搭配。 例句: Since taking over the anchor spot of the flagship news program, he has cemented his position as the number one guy in the industry. (自从接任标杆性新闻节目的主播以来,他已牢牢巩固了自己业界一哥的地位。)