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The Internet speed in Australia is lagging behind the rest of the Asia-Pacific region.
Australia ranked 44th globally based on its average connection speed, which fell almost 2 percent in the third quarter of last year to less than 7 megabytes per second.
This has placed Australia behind a number of other countries and regions in the Asia-Pacific region, including South Korea, China's Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore.
A report by the National Broadband Network suggests Australia's connectivity to high-speed broadband has not picked up the pace, with only 14 percent of the country being connected to high-speed Internet.
lag behind v. 落后,落后于 该短语可以单独使用(类似不及物动词),也可后接名词(类似及物动词)。
In this day and age, if you don’t have a basic understanding of the English language, you will lag behind for sure. (如今这个年代,如果完全不懂英语,你就肯定落伍了。)
Don’t lag behind others when you cross the street, OK? It turns to the red light pretty quickly. (过马路的时候别掉队,好吗?很快就转红灯了。)
the Asia-Pacific region n. 亚太地区 广义上,可以包括整个环太平洋地区,即太平洋东西两岸的国家和地区。狭义上,指西太平洋地区,主要包括东亚的中国(含港澳台地区)、日本、俄罗斯远东地区和东南亚的东盟国家,以及大洋洲的澳大利亚和新西兰等国。
megabyte n. 兆字节,百万字节 我们平时说起宽带速度,每秒可下载多少M的内容,这个M就是megabyte(正规的缩略语是MB);另外两个常用的概念是kilobyte(千字节,即KB)和gigabyte(千兆字节,十亿字节,即GB)。
National Broadband Network (澳大利亚)国家宽带网络,简称NBN
pick up the pace 加快步伐,提高速度
If you really want to meet the deadline, you have to pick up the pace now. Just sitting here and staring at the computer won’t do you much good.(如果你想在截稿时间前完成任务,你必须得加快速度了。光坐在这里盯着电脑没用。)