

2015-02-02    01'02''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

5418 306

想知道更多内容,请关注我们今天的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has pledged to create at least 10 million jobs this year by maintaining economic growth at medium-to-high speed through stable macroeconomic policies. Li said job creation remains the most important index in drafting China's target for economic growth, which many experts believe will slow further this year to around 7 percent from 7.4 percent. Li made the pledge at a meeting with economic experts and corporate leaders from burgeoning industries such as the Internet and information technology, as well as industries with overcapacity. The meeting was held to gauge opinions on the government's policies and its annual work report this year. macroeconomic policy 宏观经济政策 对应microeconomic policy 微观经济政策 宏观经济和微观经济是经济领域的两个常见概念。前者指总量经济活动,即国民经济的总体活动,如总供给与总需求;国民经济的总值及其增长速度;物价的总水平等等。后者指个量经济活动,即单个经济单位的经济活动,如个别企业的生产、供销、个别交换的价格等等。 index n. 指数,指标 最常见的例子就是股票指数,如Shanghai Composite Index(上政综合指数),Hang Seng Index(香港恒生指数)等等。 make a pledge v. 做出保证,立下誓言 与make a promise同义。pledge也可以单独使用,跟promise一样。 例句: When you make a pledge to keep the secret, I expect you to do just that. (当你发誓保守秘密的时候,我就指望你真正做到。) The two countries pledged to step up cooperation in counter-terrorism efforts. (两国承诺加强在反恐领域的合作。) burgeoning industry n. 新兴产业 overcapacity n. 产能过剩 详解: If there is overcapacity in a particular industry or area, more goods have been produced than are needed, and the industry is therefore less profitable than it could be. (在某一行业或领域出现产能过剩,就是指生产出来的产品多过实际需求,造成行业收益下降的情形。) gauge vt. 测量,评估,判断 该词较易读错,很多人会想当然把它读成gouge。其实真正的读音为gage,u不发音。 the government’s annual work report 政府工作报告 每年两会(全国人民代表大会和中国人民政治协商会议)期间,在位总理都会代表国务院向大会作政府工作报告,故有annual一说。