

2015-02-05    01'05''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今天的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus China has expanded its program to attract overseas talent by adding 55 introduction plans to the latest brain gain list. Overseas personnel introduced by the plans will enjoy preferential policies in visa applications, residence permits, settling in China as well as exit and entry convenience equal to members of the influential "Thousand Talent" program initiated in 2008. Previously China introduced very few overseas experts, as the threshold was high and the exit and entry rules were strict. More overseas personnel have come to China thanks to the talent introduction programs. Since 2008, the "Thousand Talent" program has introduced more than 4,000 overseas staff, with local governments attracting more than 30,000. brain gain n. 因海外科学家、学者、技术专业人员、熟练工人等为谋求更佳工作机会移民入境所造成的人才流入,人才增长,智囊扩充。对应的概念为brain drain,即因国内科学家、学者、专业技术人员、熟练工人等移居海外而造成的人才外流,人才流失,智囊枯竭。 preferential policy n. 优惠政策,向…倾斜的政策 residence permit n. 居留证,居住证 exit and entry n. 出入境 后面可以加各种名词构成短语,如第二段里的exit and entry convenience(出入境便利),第三段里的exit and entry rules(出入境条例)等等。 “Thousand Talent” program 千人计划,即“海外高层次人才引进计划”的简称。2008年12月,中央政府决定实施该计划,围绕国家发展战略目标,用5到10年时间,在国家重点创新项目、重点学科和重点实验室、中央企业和金融机构、以高新技术产业开发区为主的各类园区等,有重点地引进并支持一批海外高层次人才回国(或首次来华)创新创业。该计划的官方英文名为Recruitment Program of Global Experts,简称”Thousand Talent” program/plan。 threshold n. 入口,门槛 不难看出,中文里常说的“门槛很高”翻译成英文就是“the threshold is high”,完全与字面意思对应。 personnel/staff n. 员工,职员,人员 这两个单词都属于典型的集体名词,本身就指一群人,属于复数概念,所以不用画蛇添足加s。切记,personnels、staffs都是错误用法。