

2015-02-16    01'24''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今天的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus Canada's Supreme Court has unanimously struck down a ban on doctor-assisted suicide for mentally competent patients suffering from an incurable disease and ordered the Parliament to give these patients greater control over how they die. In a stunning reversal of its ruling in 1993, the court declared that the Criminal Code's absolute ban goes too far in its attempt to protect the lives of "vulnerable people" by preventing competent, consenting adults suffering "grievous and irremediable medical conditions" from making core decisions about how they live and die. The judges have said the ban breached three of the most basic rights: to life, liberty and security of the person, and cannot be justified in a free democratic society. The court concluded the right to life is not limited to a "right not to die". Supreme Court n. 最高法院 unanimously adv. 无异议地,全体一致地 strike down v. 废止,取缔,终结(非法的法律或规定) Sooner or later, the Supreme Court will strike down the ban on same-sex marriage across the country. No one can turn the tide of history. (最高法院迟早会取缔对同性婚姻的禁令。谁也改变不了历史的潮流。) doctor-assisted suicide n. 医生协助式自杀,安乐死的另一种说法。安乐死最常见的名称是euthanasia和mercy killing。 Parliament n. 议会,又称国会。起源于英国,是从封建性质的等级会议演变而来的。议会于1689、1701年通过《权利法案》和《王位继承法》,赋予议会立法、决定财政预算、决定王位继承、监督行政管理等方面权力,从此议会成为代表资产阶级利益的最高立法机关。以后为其他资本主义国家普遍采用。 reversal n. 颠覆,逆转 Criminal Code n. 刑法典,即形式意义上的刑法。每个国家不一定都有形式意义上的刑法,但一定有实质意义上的刑法。我国的刑法典就是《中华人民共和国刑法》及其修正案。 consenting adj. (彼此)同意的 后面跟的词基本上都是adults,表示当事人均为成人,发生的行为符合彼此意愿。 例句: Anything short of sex between consenting adults is rape. Pure and simple. (只要不是成人间彼此同意的前提下发生的性行为,一律属于强奸。) irremediable adj. 不能改正的,无可补救的 例句: Doctors have repeatedly said his memory suffered irremediable damage. Unless a miracle happens, he will never remember what happened before the car crash. (医生已经多次说过,他的记忆力遭受了永久性的损伤。除非有奇迹发生,不然他再也不可能记起车祸之前发生的事了。) breach vt. 破坏,违反 例句: Don’t you know that you are not supposed to go after your best friend’s ex-girlfriend? You have seriously breached the bro code. (你难道不知道你不该追求你最要好的哥们的前女友吗?你可是严重地违反了兄弟守则哦。)