

2015-03-04    02'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

5811 453

更多内容,请关注我们今天的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus A Chinese man, dubbed "Brother Orange", has become a celebrity in China lately after his selfies made their way to the mobile phone of an American more than 13,000 kilometers away. The American man, Matt Stopera, was browsing through the photo stream on his iPhone, when he found lots of photos he didn't take. He saw menus with Chinese characters, girls with black hair, and a bald man posing by an orange tree, who he referred to jokingly on Twitter as Bro Orange. Stopera lost an iPhone early last year. Someone guessed that the phone might be brought to China and sold in the second-hand market. The photos were taken and reached him through iCloud. He had signed into iCloud with the old phone before it was missing. Chinese web users soon succeeded in locating Brother Orange in Meizhou in south China's Guangdong province. dubbed adj. 被称为…的,被起…绰号的 源于动词dub:称呼,起绰号 例句: Britney Spears, dubbed “Xiao Tian Tian”, or “Little Sweetie”, has a big following in China. (有“小甜甜”之称的布兰妮•斯皮尔斯在中国拥有大量的粉丝。) dubbed作形容词的另一个常用意思为“配音的”,源于动词dub:配音,尤指给外语内容配音 例句: Is this movie dubbed, or does it have subtitles? I certainly prefer the latter, but it’s not the end of the world if it’s the former. (这部电影是配音的,还是打字幕的?我肯定偏好原音带字幕的,但如果是配音的也没什么大不了。) Brother Orange 橘子哥 今年二月红遍中美两国社交网络的人物,来自中国广东梅州。由于使用一部二手苹果手机,他拍的照片无意间通过iCloud(苹果公司提供的云端服务)被远在美国的Matt Stopera(手机的原始主人)看到,两人因此结缘,成为一段网络佳话。 selfie n. 自拍照 photo stream n. 照片流 这是iCloud中包含的一项服务内容。当用户在苹果设备(iPhone、iPad等等)上拍照或将照片从数码相机导入电脑时,照片流会自动将新照片上传至 iCloud,并将照片推送至该用户的所有其他苹果设备。 second-hand market n. 二手市场 即人们将闲置不用的物品集中起来进行交换、交易的场所。