

2015-03-06    01'17''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus Italy's big fashion companies performed better than large-scale industries' average last year. A new study showed that large-scale industry turnover dropped by almost 2 percent compared to an almost 1 and a half percent growth for around 140 of the best performing fashion companies. Ten major firms in the fashion sector achieved a 4.4-percent growth. Prada was placed first with 3.6 billion euros, around 4 billion U.S. dollars, of turnover, followed by Armani with 2.2 billion euros in sales. Moreover, the fashion giants showed they were much more capital-rich compared to large-scale industries. Last year, many firms had more cash equivalents than financial debts. For the 10 major brands, cash equivalents were as much as four times bigger than their financial debts. large-scale industry n. 大规模工业 turnover n. 营业额,成交额 Prada n. 普拉达 著名奢侈品牌,由玛丽奥•普拉达于1913年在意大利米兰创建。产品包括男装、女装、箱包、鞋帽、香水等等。后因畅销小说《穿普拉达的女王》(Devil Wears Prada)及其同名电影,知名度更上一层楼。 Armani n. 阿玛尼 著名奢侈品牌,由乔治•阿玛尼于1975年在于意大利米兰创建。产品包括服装、领带、眼镜、丝巾、皮革用品、香水等等。其服装销往全球100多个国家和地区,是美国销量最大的欧洲时装品牌。 capital-rich adj. 资金丰厚的 cash equivalent n. 准现金,现金等价物 指企业持有的期限短,流动性强,易于变化为已知金额的现金,且价值变动风险很小的投资。一般是指从购买之日起3个月到期的债券投资。由于变现容易且交易成本低,可视为现金。