

2015-03-09    02'15''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus China’s official Xinhua News Agency has unveiled its global social media presence, after rebranding its Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts under the unified name "New China". Following a year of testing, Xinhua now shares news around the clock on its social media accounts. Content also includes photographs and videos. The social media drive was launched in response to a wider global trend of media transformation. Xinhua's global social media accounts are managed by a specialized team of around 100 journalists and editors, who were hand-picked from its departments at the organization's headquarters and bureaus across the world. Xinhua News Agency is China's official press agency and a global news provider. It is headquartered in Beijing, and has 30 domestic bureaus and 180 overseas bureaus. news agency n. 新闻通讯社 即专门搜集和供应新闻稿件、图片及资料的新闻发布机构。著名代表包括美联社、合众国际社、路透社、法新社、新华社等等。 rebrand vt. 重新命名或包装,重塑形象(并希望借此获得商业上的成功) 例句: Even though Justin Timberlake spared no effort in rebranding MySpace, the website still didn’t get its groove back. It just goes to show that star power doesn’t always do the trick. (尽管贾老板亲力亲为,企图重塑MySpace,网站还是没能像当初那样再火起来。由此可见,明星号召力并不总能解决问题。) around the clock adv. 不间断地,日以继夜地,等于round the clock 例句: I hate to break it to you, but those “you can do it all” speeches are simply nonsense. If you have a job that requires you to work around/round the clock, there is simply no way that you can have a great personal life. (很遗憾地告诉你,那些“你什么都能兼顾到”的演讲都是胡扯。如果你得日以继夜不间断地工作,那你就不可能有很舒适的私人生活。) drive n. (为达到某种目的而进行的)努力,运动 例句: Since the principal launched the anti-bullying drive, the school has become a much safer place for students, especially those “geeks” or “nerds” in the traditional sense. (自从校长发起了“反欺凌运动”以来,学校变得比以前安全多了,尤其对那些传统意义上的“书呆子”来说。) hand-picked adj. 精心挑选的 来源于动词hand-pick vt. 精心挑选 例句: I don’t know about you, but I prefer a hand-picked card with a thoughtful message to a Gucci bag any day of the week. (我不知道你的偏好,但我宁愿收到一张精心挑选的、附上诚挚祝福的贺卡,也不要古奇包。) bureau n. 局,办事处,分社 headquarter vt. 将总部设在… If you know just how many international corporations are headquartered in New York, you will naturally understand why it is referred to as “capital of the world”. (如果你知道有多少家国际公司都将总部设在纽约,你自然会理解为什么它被称作“世界的首都”。)