

2015-03-18    01'02''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

4970 332

更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus Rare coins and jewelry from the time of Alexander the Great have been found in a cave in northern Israel. The 2,300-year-old cache includes silver coins of Alexander the Great who conquered the region in the late fourth century BC. In addition, several pieces of silver and bronze jewelry were also found, including decorated earring, bracelets and rings. They were apparently concealed in the cave, inside a cloth pouch. Archeologists in Israel believe this is one of the most important discoveries to come to light in the north of the country in recent years. The caves are known as one of the largest and best-hidden stalactite caves in northern Israel. Alexander the Great n. 亚历山大大帝 生于马其顿王国首都派拉城,曾师从古希腊著名学者亚里士多德,十八岁随父出征,二十岁继承王位。他领军驰聘欧亚非大陆,使得古希腊文明广泛传播,被誉为“征服王”,同时是古代史上最著名的军事家和政治家。 cache n. 隐藏物,藏匿的珍宝 cache还是一个常见的电脑术语,也叫cache memory,定义为:An area of computer memory that is used for temporary storage of data and can be accessed more quickly than the main memory. 即高速缓冲存储区。在电脑普及的今天,cache的这个意思甚至比“隐藏物”更常用。 例句: In your web browser’s cache are the most recent web files that you have downloaded. (网页浏览器的高速缓存区里有你最近下载的网页文件。) The police raided the house and uncovered a cache of weapons. (警方突然查抄这幢房子,发现了一批私藏的武器.) pouch n. 小袋子,荷包 come to light v. 显露,为大家所知道 这里的come to light显然是褒义,但一般说来,这个短语更多用来描述负面的东西,比如丑闻、阴谋、谎言等等。 例句: The extent of the US government’s spying on ordinary folks did not come to light until Edward Snowden came forward and laid it all on the table. (直到斯诺登站出来挑明一切,美国政府对平民百姓的监控程度才为大家所知。) Arnold Schwarzenegger has been doing fine after it came to light that he was cheating on his (now ex) wife and fathered a child with the nanny. Funny how that didn’t hurt his box office performance at all. (施瓦辛格对前妻不忠、和保姆育有一私生子的消息曝光后,日子还过得挺好的。他的票房号召力居然没有受到任何影响,真有意思。) stalactite n. 钟乳石 和stalagmite(石笋)十分相像,非常容易搞混。它们的定义乍一看也差不多: A stalactite is a long piece of rock which hangs down from the roof of a cave. A stalagmite is a long piece of rock which sticks up from the floor of a cave. 恰好这对单词经常出现在考题中,尤其是翻译题里,建议大家牢记。 P.S. 如果觉得很难记,不妨这样想:含有tit(“乳房”的俚语)的stalactite,中文名也有“乳”。而另外一个没有tit的就是石笋了。这样就不会忘啦。嘘,表说是跟我学的。