

2015-03-20    01'20''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今天的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus A new set of guidelines is unveiled to regulate China's vast museum sector, but experts say more needs to be done. In China, finding a museum has seldom been a problem. But other than the big and established ones, many fail to be taken seriously by visitors because they don't have the resources to manage their collections or haven't been officially registered as museums. Now, change is afoot. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang set the course to make the country's museum sector less chaotic. He has signed China’s first regulation of museums. The law is effective on March 20. The new rules demand all museums to have collection reservation areas, complete management systems and approval documents. take seriously v. 重视,认真对待 该短语的主动、被动语态都很常见,前者为take something/someone seriously,后者为something/someone be taken seriously。 例句: We all know that saying, “Women hold up half the sky.” Unfortunately in this day and age, many people still do not take women seriously, especially when it comes to candidates for top managerial positions. (我们都知道那句话,“妇女能顶半边天”。不幸的是,时至今日,依然有很多人不重视女性,尤其是在考虑顶级管理岗位候选人的时候。) How many times do I need to tell you? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It must be taken seriously. If you want to live a long and healthy life, start eating breakfast today! (我需要跟你说多少次啊?早饭是一天当中最重要的一餐,必须重视。如果你想健康长寿,从今天开始好好吃早饭!) afoot adj. 进行中的,正在发生的,酝酿中的 例句: I don’t exactly know what’s going on, but something out of the ordinary is afoot. (我不知道具体是什么情况,但肯定有事发生。) A new plan is afoot to improve recreational facilities in the area. (一个改善本地区娱乐设施的新计划正在酝酿中。) China’s first regulation of museums 即《博物馆条例》经2015年1月14日国务院第78次常务会议通过。2月9日,国务院总理李克强签署第659号国务院令,正式公布。《条例》分总则,博物馆的设立、变更与终止,博物馆管理,博物馆社会服务,法律责任,附则6章47条,自3月20日(也就是今天)起实施。 P.S. 向突尼斯巴尔杜博物馆枪击事件的遇难者们表示哀悼。Museums should never be associated with violence. *sigh*