

2015-04-01    01'15''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus Eating peanuts may lower your risk of dying of a heart attack. U.S. and Chinese researchers examined the link between nut consumption and mortality among low-income and racially diverse populations. They found that intake of peanuts was associated with fewer deaths, especially from heart disease. While research has previously linked nut consumption with lower mortality, those studies focused mainly on higher-income, white populations. This study was the first to discover that all races, black, white and Asians alike, can potentially increase heart health by eating nuts and peanuts. Researchers say peanuts are not nuts but legumes, but peanuts contain many nutrients and chemicals that are similar to nuts. For individuals who can't afford tree nuts, peanuts may serve as a substitute. mortality n. 死亡率 racially diverse population 含不同种族的人口群体 假设一群人中有白人也有黑人,有西班牙裔也有亚裔,那这群人就是一个典型的racially diverse population。 associate/link A with B 把A和B联系在一起 该短语经常以被动语态的形式出现,一方面突出A和B有关联,另一方面淡化把两者联系在一起的那个人或事物。本文第二段里的intake of peanuts was associated with fewer deaths(花生的摄入和死亡的减少有关联)就是一个典型的例子。第三段里的research has previously linked nut consumption with lower mortality(研究证明坚果的食用和死亡率的降低有关联)也可以改写为nut consumption has previously been linked with lower mortality(坚果的食用已被证实和死亡率的降低有关联),意思不变。 alike adj. 相似的 adv. 同样地,同等地 作副词使用时,前面总是列举一堆性质相同或相近的事物,为了通顺可翻成“无论”。如本文中的black, white and Asians alike(无论是黑人,白人,抑或亚裔)。 例句: All people, men, women, boys and girls alike, crave recognition and compliments. That’s simply human nature. (所有人,无论男女老少,都渴望得认可和赞扬。这是人的天性。) legume n. 豆科植物,豆类蔬菜 nutrient n. 营养物,营养品 tree nut n. 坚果,树仁,树果 等于nut serve as v. 充当,担任 例句: Benjamin is the most knowledgeable person I know. Every time he’s around, he always serves as a living encyclopedia. (本杰明是我认识的知识最渊博的人。只要有他在,他总是担任活百科全书的角色。) substitute n. 代替品