

2015-04-03    01'33''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSplus Almost 380,000 overseas students came to study on the Chinese mainland last year, a 6 percent increase over the previous year. The students came from 200 countries and regions around the world. The number of students coming from Oceania and Africa increased dramatically, but those coming from the Americas fell slightly. More than 6,000 students came from Oceania, a 32 percent increase year-on-year, while the number of those from Africa was 42,000, an increase of 25 percent over the previous year. Some students say they came to study in China because they were attracted by the country's political and economic development. 30-year-old James Mwita, from Kenya, said China has a system that is working, and its political system is efficient. China’s economic and social developments are impressive, and he added that he hopes his country can emulate them. Chinese mainland n. 中国大陆 Chinese mainland是“大陆”的唯一正确说法。外媒及普通的外国人都习惯说mainland China,这其实是错的,新闻用语里应该避免。原因在于说mainland China也就意味着还有non-mainland China,这会给人造成不止一个中国的印象。这跟用country来形容港澳台地区是一个道理,不符合事实,应该用region。本文第二段里的“The students came from 200 countries and regions around the world.”也是这个道理。来大陆学习的学生少不了港澳台地区的,所以如果只说from 200 countries就是错的,必须加上regions。 Oceania n. 大洋洲 虽说大洋洲在地理上划分为澳大利亚、新西兰、新几内亚、美拉尼西亚、密克罗尼西亚和波利尼西亚六区,但一般说到留学问题时,大多是澳大利亚和新西兰的代名词。大洋洲来中国大陆学习的留学生基本上都来自这两个国家。 The Americas n. 亚美利加洲,简称美洲。按自然地理可划分为北美洲、中美洲和南美洲,占地球地表面积的8.3%、陆地面积的28.4%,是唯一一个整体在西半球的大洲。北美洲和南美洲以巴拿马运河为界。按民族文化、经济体系、语言等可划分为北美洲和拉丁美洲。后者因该地区的语言以拉丁语系为主而得名。美洲拥有大约9.5亿居民,占到了人类总数的13.5%。 emulate vt. 模仿,仿效 虽然emulate和imitate都是“模仿”,但两者存在明显的区别。emulate包含了因为钦慕而模仿的意思,而且模仿的目的是努力赶上甚至超越模仿对象,带有褒义色彩。imitate只是简单模仿,相对中性,有时甚至可以带有贬义。 例句: Thomas Edison said it best. “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” You must work really, really hard to emulate his success. (爱迪生说得再贴切不过了。“天才是百分之一的灵感,百分之九十九的汗水。”你想要仿效他的成功,就要非常非常努力地工作。) Think twice before you imitate others. They can easily think you are mocking them and therefore get offended. Not everyone shares your sense of humor. (模仿别人之前可要想清楚。对方很可能误认为你在嘲弄他/她,因此觉得被冒犯了。并不是每个人都有你的那种幽默感。)