

2015-04-16    01'57''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus Global audiences might be disappointed after two giant pandas failed to achieve union during the first live broadcast of the process by a Chinese television network in southwest China. In almost an hour, the giant pandas failed to mate, in a romantic date arranged by zookeepers for the live show that took place in a panda center in Ya’an city in Sichuan Province. Panda breeding is a private process and has never been shown to the public before. During the live show, the male panda acted in a hostile manner towards the female. Zookeepers say male pandas are very picky about their partners, and when they don't like the female, they behave like being in a condition similar to sexual apathy. The event was broadcast online by China Network Television's iPanda channel and the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Pandas. achieve union v. 交配,交媾 achieve union的字面意思是“达成联合”,这是典型的委婉用语,说穿了就是have sex。因为大熊猫交配实况直播有教育成分,所以用achieve union这样的描述显然比have sex合适。 mate vi. 交配,交媾 同上,mate是比have sex委婉一些的用语。 breeding n. 生育,繁殖 act in a … manner toward(s)… 以…方式对待某某 例句: Remember, it’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice. So never ever act in a condescending manner toward others. (切记,能受重视当然好,但更重要的是为人要好。所以永远不要以居高临下的方式对待别人。) sexual apathy n. 性冷漠,性冷淡 apathy也可以泛指冷漠、冷淡,对应形容词apathetic。 例句: It really frustrates me when I see good Samaritans being accused of having ulterior motives. If this trend doesn’t stop, social apathy will soon be the new normal. (每当我看到好心帮助他人的人反而被指责图谋不轨时,我真的很沮丧。这种风气如果不刹住,冷漠社会很快就会成为新常态。) China Network Television n. 中国网络电视台 英文简称CNTV,由央视国际网络有限公司主办,是中央电视台旗下的国家网络广播电视播出机构,于2009年12月28日正式开播。中国网络电视台已覆盖全球190多个国家及地区的互联网用户,并推出了英、西、法、阿、俄、韩6个外语频道以及蒙、藏、维、哈、朝5种少数民族语言频道。 iPanda channel n. 熊猫频道 该频道由中国网络电视台与成都大熊猫繁育研究基地联合推出,以国宝大熊猫为主要载体,以大熊猫互动直播、点播、纪录片、图片等节目为主要内容,包含中英双语。这是全球唯一的大熊猫主题社区网络频道,主要展现熊猫基地内熊猫的生活起居状态,呼吁大家爱护大自然,爱护大熊猫。 The China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Pandas n. 中国保护大熊猫研究中心 成立于1983年,由卧龙自然保护区与世界野生生物基金会合作建立。中心科研的主要任务是围绕大熊猫的繁育,增加大熊猫的数量进行应用基础研究。拥有卧龙、都江堰、雅安碧峰峡三个基地。