

2015-05-26    02'05''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

2775 283

更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus China&`&s Internet watchdog has shut down 128 illegal match-making websites and ordered 20 others to correct their practices. The event is part of a campaign launched in February targeting fraud and pornography on match-making sites. The campaign targets fraud rings, prostitution and fraudulent practices by service providers. The Cyberspace Administration of China said the websites were shut down for a variety of reasons, namely lacking registration records, intentionally leaking user information, spreading pornography and containing vulgar content. Some of them have allowed registered users to publish pornographic stories. The administration urged match-making websites to enforce real-name registration to ensure the authenticity of user information. watchdog n. 监察人员,监察机构 该词的英文定义为:A watchdog is a person or committee whose job is to make sure that companies do not act illegally or irresponsibly. 不难想象,该用法源自watchdog的字面意思“看门狗”。区别在于,“看门狗”多为贬义,而“监察人员、机构”则是中性。 matching-making websites/sites n. 婚恋网站,相亲网站 ring n. 帮派,(犯罪)集团 大家一般比较熟悉“戒指”或“钟声、铃声”的意思,但在新闻里,ring往往指的是an association of criminals,如本文里提到的fraud rings(诈骗集团)。与之相关的另一个词汇可以顺便一记:ringleader,(违法犯罪团伙的)头目、主谋。 The Cyberspace Administration of China n. 国家互联网信息办公室 中文简称网信办,英文简称CAC。成立于2011年5月,主要职责包括落实互联网信息传播方针政策和推动互联网信息传播法制建设,指导、协调、督促有关部门加强互联网信息内容管理,依法查处违法违规网站等。自今年2月起,网信办联合有关部门在全国范围内开展“婚恋网站严重违规失信”专项整治工作。 namely adv. 即,也就是 这个词往往用来解释先前提到的一个概念,后面跟的就是具体列举的内容。 例句: The management says Patrick has been fired for “poor performance”, namely showing up late for work, turning in substandard articles, and often missing the deadline. (管理层说帕特里克因为“表现差”被开除了,具体说来就是上班迟到,交的稿子不合标准,以及经常错过截止日期。) real-name registration n. 实名制,实名登记