

2015-05-27    01'31''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

2871 277

更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus Beijing’s transportation authorities have issued a new list of items that subway passengers are banned from carrying onto the network. For the first time, the list rules out several everyday household items, including containers of 2 liters or more of white spirit, perfume, hair gel and more than five cigarette lighters per person. Viruses or bacteria being used for research are also banned from entry onto the system. Folding bicycles are not on the list, but passengers cannot clear them through the security check. The authorities explained that large or bulky items are banned because they are an inconvenience to other passengers. Since the start of this year, public transport authorities have seized more than 73,000 prohibited items, including 25,000 knives or daggers and 20,000 flammable or explosive items. everyday adj. 日常的 很多人不知道everyday和every day的区别,包括英语为母语者。简言之,everyday是形容词,跟ordinary, common, daily是一个意思;every day是副词短语,跟在动词后面,表示某件事每天都发生。一个可以简单判断该用everyday还是every day的原则:如果把相关部分换成every single day,意思完全不变,那就一定是分开的every day。如果不能换,那就一定是everyday。 例句: I’m not a fan of big, fancy words. I always prefer authors who use everyday language in their books. (我不喜欢那些高深酷炫的词汇。我总是偏好那些在书里使用日常用语的作家。) Just so you know, the gas station around the corner is open from 7am to 10pm every day. It’s not 24/7. (我跟你说,街角那个加油站的营业时间是每天早上7点到晚上10点,不是全天候开放哦。) white spirit n. 白酒 hair gel n. 发胶 folding bicycle n. 折叠式自行车 clear vt. (获得)批准,允许 clear这个词有太多意思,大家不妨把clear something through the security check当成一个整体来记,就是“让某物获得批准,能够通过安检”。 例句: After a thorough check-up, she was cleared for Sunday’s marathon. (经过彻底的体检之后,她获准参加周日的马拉松赛。) bulky adj. 体积大的,笨重的 flammable adj. 易燃的 乍一看应该是其反义词的inflammable其实也表达同样的意思,所以易燃品既可以说flammable items/objects,也可以说inflammable items/objects。这有点像中文里的“好高兴”和“好不高兴”,其实都是“高兴”。