

2015-06-03    01'14''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

9105 308

请关注今天的微信头条查看全部文稿内容:搜索英语环球NEWSPlus Vertebrates in China face a higher risk of extinction than the world&`&s average level. The Ministry of Environmental Protection made the evaluation, based on the situation of the 4,300 species of vertebrates known in China. Experts say the situation is grave, with almost 20 percent of vertebrate species and 10 percent of the plant species in China on the verge of extinction. At a gathering marking the International Biodiversity Day, China’s minister of environmental protection said biodiversity in China has deteriorated in recent years and it is a difficult task to arrest the process. A new guideline for eco-friendly development was issued by the State Council last month, making it easier for law enforcement on biodiversity protection. vertebrate n. 脊椎动物 即有脊椎骨的动物,一般体形左右对称,全身分为头、躯干、尾三个部分,有比较完善的感觉器官、运动器官和高度分化的神经系统。包括鱼类、两栖动物、爬行动物、鸟类和哺乳动物等五大类。 extinction n. (物种的)灭绝 The Ministry of Environmental Protection n. 环境保护部 2008年成立的正部级部门,隶属国务院。主要职责包括:拟订并实施环境保护规划、政策和标准,组织编制环境功能区划,监督管理环境污染防治,协调解决重大环境保护问题。 grave adj. 严重的,沉重的(和serious是同义词,可以互换) on the verge of … 接近于,濒临,在…的边缘 例句: Due to incessant media attention, the celebrity couple is on the verge of splitting up. (媒体无穷无尽的关注让这对明星情侣不堪重压,他们已经在分手的边缘。) International Biodiversity Day n. 国际生物多样性日 即International Day for Biological Diversity,为了方便经常把Day for Biological Diversity缩略为Biodiversity Day。生物多样性是地球上生命经过几十亿年发展进化的结果,是人类赖以生存的物质基础。为了保护全球的生物多样性,1992年在巴西里约热内卢召开的联合国环境与发展大会上,153个国家签署了《保护生物多样性公约》。1994年12月,联合国大会通过决议,将每年的12月29日定为“国际生物多样性日”,以提高人们对保护生物多样性重要性的认识。从2002年起,国际生物多样性日调整为每年的5月22日。 arrest vt. 抑制,阻碍 大家往往只熟悉arrest的“逮捕”之意,其实,它也经常表示“抑制、阻碍”的意思。著名美剧Arrested Development(《发展受阻》)的名字便是来源于arrest的这种用法。 例句: The app is clearly premature at this stage. If you force it to the hit the market now, you may be able to grab the headlines, but it will arrest your company’s long-term development for sure. (这款app显然还没有成熟。如果你现在就强行推出,也许你能抢到头条,但肯定会只会阻碍你公司的长远发展。)