【英音】复旦再陷抄袭门 (有文稿)

【英音】复旦再陷抄袭门 (有文稿)

2015-06-08    01'45''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

3637 396

请关注今天的微信头条查看全部文稿内容:搜索英语环球NEWSPlus Fudan University in Shanghai is to investigate allegations of plagiarism over a promotional video, saying it will be held accountable based on the result. The four-minute video entitled "To My Light" was produced by the university to mark its 110th anniversary. Featuring science fiction elements and personal accounts, it was released on the university&`&s website and on other social media platforms on the Internet. The video was later accused by Internet users of plagiarizing a publicity video titled "Explorer", a product of the University of Tokyo last year. "To My Light" was then replaced with another video, but parts of it have also been accused by web users again of plagiarizing ideas used in a promotional video produced by a German university. Education experts say the case shows that Chinese universities lack crisis management skills. People’s disappointment over Fudan is not only about plagiarism, but also over the way in which it handles crisis. plagiarism n. 剽窃,抄袭 对应及物动词plagiarize,在本文第三段(plagiarizing a publicity video)和第四段(plagiarizing ideas)都出现过。 entitled… adj. 取名为…的,名字叫…的,等于titled… 本文第二段中出现了the four-minute video entitled “To My Light”,第三段中出现了a publicity video titled “Explorer”,说明entitled和titled没有实质区别,可以互换。 featuring… 以…为主要内容,以…为特色内容 该用法较多出现在句首,因为把最有卖点的东西放在前面讲,相对来说能起到更好的宣传效果。 例句: Featuring a ton of rare footage and celebrity interviews, this new documentary is guaranteed to be talk of the town. (这部新的纪录片包含了大量罕见镜头和明星采访,一定会成为热门话题。) crisis management n. 危机管理 危机管理是企业、政府部门或其他组织为应对各种危机情境所进行的规划决策、动态调整、化解处理及员工培训等活动过程,其目的在于消除或降低危机所带来的威胁和损失。通常可将危机管理分为两大部分:危机爆发前的预计、预防管理和危机爆发后的应急善后管理。也称为“危机公关”。热门美剧Scandal(《丑闻》)让这一概念变得家喻户晓。剧中主角Olivia Pope就是专门从事危机管理的顶尖高手。