

2015-06-18    01'14''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

2407 262

每天关注微信第二条,有慢英学~ 美音: More than 200 suspects had been sent back to China from overseas by the end of May since the new "Fox Hunt" program began in April. The Ministry of Public Security said the 214 fugitives are involved in economic crimes, with 27 of them also facing corruption charges. The program has urged law enforcement departments to improve their work efficiency and employ various means in the investigation and tracking down of overseas fugitives. The program has put equal emphasis on catching the suspects and retrieving their illicit gains. Fox Hunt n. 猎狐行动 中国公安机关缉捕在逃境外经济犯罪嫌疑人的专项行动。2014年7月22日,中国公安部召开电视电话会议,部署中国公安机关从即日起至2014年年底,开展“猎狐2014”专项行动。截至2014年12月31日,该行动共抓获外逃经济犯罪人员680名,其中缉捕归案290名,投案自首390名。新一轮的猎狐行动,即“猎狐2015”,于2015年4月1日起正式展开,重点对象是外逃经济犯罪嫌疑人、外逃党员和国家工作人员、涉腐案件外逃人员。 The Ministry of Public Security n. 公安部 国务院主管全国公安工作的职能部门。设有办公厅、警务督察、人事训练、宣传、经济犯罪侦查、治安管理、边防管理、刑事侦查、出入境管理、消防、警卫、公共信息网络安全监察、监所管理、交通管理、法制、外事、装备财务、禁毒、科技、反恐怖、信息通信等局级机构,分别承担有关业务工作。 fugitive n. 逃亡者,逃犯 means n. 手段 该词单复数同形。换句话说,即使只有一种手段,也是a means,不是mean。 例句: The teacher has perfected the use of pop quiz as a means to prevent students from cutting class. (那位老师已经深谙利用突击考试来防止学生逃课之道。) You need to use all possible means to ensure a good result. After all, your future depends on it. (你得用一切可能的方法来确保理想的结果。毕竟,你的前途全靠它了。) put emphasis on… v. 把重点放在…上,强调… 这个短语的效果等于动词emphasize,所以最后一段也可以说:The program has equally emphasized catching the suspects and retrieving their illicit gains. 两者的效果是一样的。国外不少教英语写作的老师主张行文时多用动词,少用形容词和副词,所以在他们看来put equal emphasis on A and B要比equally emphasize A and B好。我不完全同意,因为英语写作(尤其是新闻写作)的另一黄金原则是KISS——keep it simple, stupid(以前曾经作过详细介绍,不再赘述)。由此可见,这两种表达方式各有利弊,用哪个完全取决于个人偏好。