

2015-06-26    01'30''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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美音: 每天关注微信第二条,有慢英学~ 英语大神也可以关注我们的全英微信公众号cri_english噢~~ The Chinese Academy of Governance, a top-level public servant school, has published textbooks on ancient classics and culture. The studies of Chinese ancient literature, arts and philosophy, or "national studies", have become increasingly popular. There are more than 700 titles profiling national studies, and possible readers range from kindergarten children right up to college students. With the publication of the new textbook, national studies are likely to be featured in training classes for government officials at all levels. The 10-volume book presented traditional culture and values that can shed light on modern public administration, approaching good leadership from the art of integrity, and the arts of military maneuvering, among other aspects. The Chinese Academy of Governance n. 国家行政学院 根据中国共产党第十三次全国代表大会和第七届全国人民代表大会第一次会议的决议,国家行政学院于1988年开始筹建,1994年9月正式成立。该学院为国务院正部级直属事业单位,是培训高、中级国家公务员的新型学府和培养高层次行政管理及政策研究人才的重要基地。院长由历任国务委员兼国务院秘书长担任。 national studies n. 国学 “国学”又称“汉学”或“中国学”,泛指传统的中华文化与学术。国学包括中国古代的哲学、史学、宗教学、文学、礼俗学、考据学、伦理学以及医家、农学、术数、地理、政治、经济及书画、音乐、建筑等诸多方面。“国学”这个名词产生于二十世纪二十年代,当时“西学东渐”之风正盛。有识之士主张在注重“西学”的同时,绝不能丢掉“国学”。“国学”这一概念自此开始流行。 shed light on… v. 阐明,为…提供线索 例句: The new clause seems quite vague, and there are bound to be different interpretations. Hopefully the Supreme Court decision will shed light on its real meaning. (这个新的条款看起来很含糊,不同的人肯定会有不同的理解。希望最高法院的判决能为它的真正含义提供线索。) approach … from… v. 从(某方面)着手处理(某问题) 例句: When you find yourself stuck on a problem, you need to approach it from a different angle. Remember what Einstein said? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. (当你发现自己卡在某个问题上的时候,你应该试着从一个不同的角度来应对处理。记得爱因斯坦怎么说吗?不停重复做同一件事,却希望得到不同的结果,那就是神经病。) military maneuver(ing) n.军事演习