

2015-07-13    00'57''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

1763 289

每天关注微信第二条,有慢英学~ 英语大神也可以关注我们的全英微信公众号cri_english噢~~ 英音: A total of 250 million yuan, roughly 40 million U.S. dollars, has been earmarked to support rural schools in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of northwest China. The money will be channeled to 26 middle schools in 22 counties to construct canteens, dormitories and sports facilities. The announcement was made by the regional development and reform commission in Xinjiang. China launched the campaign in 2007 to improve the conditions of rural schools in the poor western regions. earmark vt. 拨款,指定用途 严格说来,只要是拨某种资源就可以叫earmark,不一定要是款项。(If resources are earmarked for a particular purpose, they are reserved for that purpose.) 但在实际应用中,最常见的情形还是专项拨款。 例句: Tsinghua university has earmarked 8 million yuan for the research project. (清华大学为这个研究项目拨了八百万元的专款。) Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region n. 新疆维吾尔自治区 维吾尔有多种拼法,包括uygur, uigur, uyghur, uighur等等。目前没有相对统一的推荐拼法,所以大家可以酌情选择自己觉得最好记的那个。一旦选定,注意在全文范围内保持一致即可。此外,绝大多数习惯拼音的人可能一见到这个词就不知道该怎么发音。其实这个词不难,关键在于uy或者ui那个部分,读wee(跟“维”还是明显有关连的)。所以,整个词的发音是wee-gur。 channel vt. 将(资金或资源)专门用于channel的这种用法和上面介绍的earmark相辅相成。把earmark的钱拿来用在指定的领域,就是channel。(If you channel resources into something, you arrange for them to be used for that thing, rather than for a wider range of things.)同样,不一定要是款项,但最常见的情形还是讲钱。 例句: The government plans to channel this anonymous donation into green initiatives. (政府打算将这笔匿名捐款专门用于绿色环保项目。) 在此基础上,channel还衍生出“将(精力或情感)专注于…”的意思,使用频率非常高。 例句: Since his marriage failed, he has been channeling all his energies into his new novel. I won’t be surprised if certain plotlines are inspired by what he went through. (自从他婚姻失败后,他就把所有的精力放在他的全新小说上。如果某些故事情节的灵感来自他的真实经历,我不会感到意外。)