【美音】兰州自来水异味事件 罪魁祸首在青海

【美音】兰州自来水异味事件 罪魁祸首在青海

2015-07-16    01'23''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

1747 301

每天关注微信NewsPlus第二条,有慢英学~ 英语大神也可以关注我们的全英微信公众号cri_english噢~~ A hydropower plant in Qinghai Province, northwest China, has been fined for releasing dirty floodwater and contaminating the tap water of a city in a neighboring province. The power plant was fined 100,000 yuan, roughly 16,000 U.S. dollars, and its executive was detained for ten days for obstructing the investigation. In early March, complaints were lodged about the strange odor and taste of tap water in Lanzhou, the capital city of Gansu Province. Environment departments found that floodwater released into the Huangshui River by the power plant contained mud, sand and other deposits. Eight officials from Qinghai and Gansu were punished, one of which was dismissed from post. hydropower plant n. 水电发电厂,水电站 tap water n. 自来水 来自tap(自来水龙头)的水,自然就是tap water。这是比较典型的英式英语。在美式英语里,自来水龙头叫water faucet,而自来水叫running water。 odor n. 味道,气味 odor和smell基本上是同义词,细微的区别在于,odor总是指不好的味道(怪味,臭味),smell则相对中性(虽然也是不好的味道居多)。 例句: Eww, what’s that smell/odor? (唉哟,那是什么怪味啊?)此处smell和odor可互换。 I really dig this new perfume. It has such a pleasant smell. (我可喜欢这款新香水了,味道真好闻。)此处只能用smell,不能用odor。 Huangshui River n. 湟水 黄河上游重要支流,位于中国青海省东部,全长374公里,流域面积3200多平方公里。湟水流域孕育出了灿烂的马家窑、齐家、卡约文化,养育了青海省约60%的人口,被称为“青海的母亲河”。 deposit n. 沉淀物 大家一般来说只熟悉deposit跟钱有关的意思:储蓄、存款、押金、保证金等等。在日常对话中,这些意思也确实比“沉淀物”更有用武之地。但一般在涉及到地理、地质等相对专业的话题时,deposit往往表示“沉淀物”。 例句: Judging by the soil deposits on his shoes, he must have been out in the field. There’s no way he was having a meeting in the conference room. He’s hiding something. (从他鞋上的泥渍来看,他之前肯定在室外活动,绝不可能在会议室里开会。他在隐瞒某些事情。)