

2015-07-21    18'21''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

14041 757

文稿请去今天微信头条查询,荔枝里面放不下~ 正式演讲从第四分钟开始~ Thank you. Thank you very much. President Turner, thanks. Members of the Board of Trustees, Provost Ludden, faculty, staff, distinguished guests, parents, and—most importantly—the Class of 2015. (Applause.) Thank you for your warm welcome, and I appreciate the invitation to be with you. You know, when I mentioned this speech to some pals, they were surprised I was going to give it. (Laughter.) I haven&`&t given a commencement address since leaving office. You know, my decision is quite practical. So I got a call from my landlord - (laughter) - Gerald Turner. (Laughter.) Rather than raising the rent or threatening to withhold our security deposit - (laughter) - I was relieved to hear President Turner ask if I believed in free speech. (Applause.) I said yeah. He said, "Perfect. Here&`&s your chance to give one." (Laughter and applause.) As a proud member of the SMU community, I am honored to be here – truly honored – to deliver the 100th Spring Commencement address. I admire President Turner&`&s persuasiveness - (laughter) - and leadership. He runs a fantastic university. (Applause.) It is dynamic, diverse, and destined for continued excellence. He has assembled a strong administrative team. He is supported by engaged alumni, and he has an outstanding Board of Trustees. I&`&m fortunate to know many of the trustees. (Laughter.) Well, for example I&`&m good friends with the Chairman, Mike Boone. And there&`&s one trustee I know really well - (laughter) -a proud graduate of the SMU Class of 1968 who went on to become our nation&`&s greatest First Lady. (Applause.) Do me a favor and don&`&t tell Mother. (Laughter.) I know how much the trustees love and care for this great university. I see it firsthand when I attend the Bring-Your-Spouse-Night Dinners. (Laughter.) I also get to drop by classes on occasion. I am really impressed by the intelligence and energy of the SMU faculty. I want to thank you for your dedication and thank you for sharing your knowledge with your students.