

2015-08-10    01'10''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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每天关注微信第二条,有慢英学~ 英语大神也可以关注我们的全英微信公众号cri_english噢~~ The Chinese language will be tested as a foreign language for Russia’s college entrance exam starting next year. Russia’s Ministry of Education and Science announced that they will start the trial period in some selected cities and regions including Moscow, St. Petersburg and some Far East regions. The ministry is now reviewing texts and technical procedures pertaining to the Chinese language testing. In Russia, college enrollments use high school graduation tests as the only criteria for students to go to college, unlike in China where students have to take a separate test for college. Currently, their mandatory foreign languages for college enrollment are English, French, Spanish and German. Russia’s Ministry of Education and Science n. 俄罗斯教育与科学部 俄罗斯教育十分发达,早在20世纪30年代末,就基本消灭了文盲,并普及了初等教育。俄罗斯的国民教育包括学前教育、普通中学教育、职业技术教育、中等专业教育和高等教育。所有的学校都是直接受到俄罗斯教育与科学部的监管。 St. Petersburg n. 圣彼得堡 俄罗斯的中央直辖市,列宁格勒州的首府。位于俄罗斯西北地区,是全俄重要的水陆交通枢纽。St. 为Saint缩写,在人名和地名中都经常出现。 Far East n. 远东 欧美人习惯使用的地理概念。他们以欧洲为中心,把东南欧、非洲东北称为“近东”,西亚附近称为“中东”,把更远的东方称为“远东”。远东一般包括今天的东亚(包括俄罗斯的东部)、东南亚和南亚,即阿富汗、哈萨克斯坦以东、太平洋以西、北冰洋以南、澳洲以北的地区,中国也在其中。 pertain to v. 相关,适合 Could you stay on topic, please? What you are saying now does not pertain to our discussion whatsoever. (你能别跑题吗?你现在说的东西跟我们的讨论内容毫不相干。) criteria n. 标准,准则,条件,尺度 这是误用率极高的一个名词。跟media、data一样,criteria其实是复数形式,对应的单数原形是criterion。 例句: I love both fiction and nonfiction, so I’m not overly picky when it comes to reading material. My only criterion is, it needs to be a book that has actual substance. (小说和非小说类的书籍我都喜欢,所以我在选择阅读内容的时候不会太过挑剔。我的唯一标准是,书里必须有实际的内容。) The criteria she has listed in a potential boyfriend are insane. If she is not willing to compromise, she will probably stay single for the rest of her life. (她列出来的潜在男友需要达到的条件简直太疯狂了。如果她不愿意妥协,估计就要一辈子单身了。) mandatory adj. 强制的,法定的 跟compulsory是同义词,但总体来说compulsory更常用作定语(放在名词前面,如:compulsory purchase),而mandatory更常用作表语(放在be动词后面,如:this is mandatory)。这也是“义务教育”一般都翻成compulsory education的主要原因。