

2015-08-24    06'23''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

18091 729

小编有10张票票,想带娃娃去看的,上微信寻找方法吧~ Five Fools, or Wu-Ge-Sha-Gua in Chinese (5个傻瓜) is a vaudeville style performance about a circus with some rather unusual problems. The Clown is mad, the Musician is bad, the Strongman is love struck, and the circus' new star, called "Little Flower", won't speak at all. Somehow within all this madness a touching story emerges where love and support conquer fear and a bright future unfolds. Park Young Hee is an experienced South Korean director, and she thinks Five Fools conveys the importance communication skills that may be useful for children in their daily life everywhere in the world. "Five Fools is a circus vaudeville kind of show, but in the actual story, we talk about communication with others. And also we talk about courage. Like we're faced lots of challenges and big tasks in our daily life. When you make some mistakes to your dear friends or people, it's very hard to say "sorry, I'm sorry". So this show will give them an example when we actually hurt other peoples' feeling, then how they react and how we have to build a friendship with each other. So you'll see a lot of big themes through our life but in a very interesting way." The circus is a world wide phenomenon that exists in every culture and has been dazzling audiences for centuries. Meanwhile, the soul of a musical is composed of a collection of melodies. Peter Winkler is a professional musician from Australia. He has received the Australia Council Roz Bower award for high achievement in the field of community arts and cultural development. He appears very excited when talking about how he has produced the music, particularly for Five Fools. "And this show, because it is set inside the circus, and the story is inside the circus, I decided to look into the history of circus music. And I found that there was a very beautiful style of circus music in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s, which was a mixture of circus style with jazz. So I decided that I would compose the music for Five Fools with circus and jazz music. So you will hear that in all the songs, they range from very circusy, so circus styles to some quite sophisticated jazz styles as well." In addition to live music, acrobatics, illusion and ample amounts of comedy, this show also utilizes interactive sets. Peter Winkler explains the purpose of setting up many interactions between performer and the audience members. "We use a lot of inter-activities in the show, because we want children to be part of the performance. We want them to feel involved in the story. So we get them to perform with us by singing and dancing and moving." Aside from being a musical for children, another key word to describe this drama is bilingual. Nowadays, bilingual plays are getting increasingly popular in China, where English education is an important issue and many parents are eager to help their kids learn English from a young age. Peter Winkler is also a qualified early childhood teacher. According to him, this show's interactive sets are aimed to create a fast paced and hilarious visit to the world of English language. "It's a bilingual show. And the show is mostly in Chinese because we want all the children to fully understand. But there are times when we move into English and the children join in by speaking words and by singing songs in English with us. And the songs help them to tell the story. I think if children enjoy speaking English by coming to a show like this and having fun and expressing themselves and speaking, it's much better than sitting in a very cold classroom and studying with a book. They have to do both. But if they have some fun with English, then they will be freer and more confident about their speaking." The world premier of this production was at "Latt Children's Theatre", in Seoul, in October 2006. South Korean director Park Young Hee recalls how the drama first met the local spectators that year. "When we put this show in Seoul, it was very new style for the children show. Particularly we have two different languages in Korea. So in Korea, we play with English and Korea. So there are not many children theater play with bilingually. So that was a very big challenge. And also at the same time, actors need to do lots of different things like acrobat skills and juggling and magic. We do no fake. It was all real things. So when audiences watch the show, they are really amazed. How hard we put on the show for the children. And the music also… people really love it. We've done three productions in Korea and still many audiences remember the show, and still lots of Korean audiences are asking us to put this show again in Korea." Now since the show will come to China, both director and music producer wish Five Fools will be as acclaimed and warmly received by the audience here as in South Korea. Five Fools is expected to give both delight and knowledge to local kids in Beijing during their summer vacation. And also it will have your kids confidently participating in speaking English by the end of the performance. Since its debut on August 20th, Five Fools will be shown 20 times till September 1st.