

2015-08-28    25'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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介绍: 全部文稿在周日微信第三条~迟到了的童鞋可以去历史信息里面找 This is NEWS Plus Special English. I&`&m Liu Yan in Beijing. Here is the news. Observers in the United States say stronger anti-graft teamwork is good for China and the United States. They made the remarks following a US media report questioning the "Fox Hunt", China&`&s global manhunt for corrupt officials and economic criminal suspects. The New York Times story quoted unnamed US officials as saying that some Chinese law enforcement staff are "operating secretly" in the United States to pressure prominent expatriates to return home, and "most likely are entering on tourist or trade visas". One source close to the Ministry of Public Security told China Daily that the ministry is strict about police officers applying for official visas when they go overseas to hunt for Chinese corrupt officials. The source also said Chinese judicial authorities have actively and willingly provided evidence to their US counterparts and asked them to assist in repatriating and extraditing corrupt Chinese officials hiding in the U.S. This is NEWS Plus Special English. China has opened a center to receive and investigate public reports on violations of laws protecting cultural relics. Culture Minister Luo Shugang said at the launch ceremony that the center, which is under the administration of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, will be a hub to handle such reports from around the country. Luo called for efficient enforcement of the laws. The center&`&s staff must be "guardians" of China&`&s cultural heritage. The public can report to the center via a telephone hotline, the Administration&`&s website, regular mail, as well as email. This is NEWS Plus Special English. China&`&s first blacklist that bans almost 400 people from driving for life has been released by the Public Security Department in Jiangsu province, as part of a national campaign launched in July to crack down on traffic violations. The list also revokes the licenses of around 11,000 drivers who seriously violated traffic regulations and laws in the first seven months of this year. The drivers will also be banned from driving or applying for a license for at least two years. Under China&`&s Law on Road Traffic Safety, drivers violating the legislation can be banned from driving for two to 10 years, or for life. Traffic management authorities say the life bans were imposed to warn drivers to respect the law. Among the 387 drivers, 77 percent fled from hit-and-run crashes, and the rest drove while drunk. The names of the drivers banned for 10 years or more have been uploaded on the provincial Public Security Department website. The reasons for the bans have also been given. You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I&`&m Liu Yan in Beijing. Designers of the floral displays that will line Beijing&`&s centerpiece Chang&`&an Avenue for the 70th anniversary of the victory of the anti-Japanese aggression war are using 3D printing to build preparatory models of their creations. The floral arrays are being designed by computer and descriptions of different beds sent to 3D printers to produce miniature mock-ups. These models can be more accurate than traditional ways of modeling such as clay sculptures. With flowers on Chang&`&an Avenue a major fixture of public occasions in Beijing, the 3D printing technology was used for the first time ahead of last year&`&s National Day celebrations. In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the War in early September, the avenue will be decorated with 25,000 square meters of flowers. They will remain in place for the National Day celebrations on Oct. 1, with gardeners taking care of them and replacing those with short blooming periods. This is NEWS Plus Special English. The 43rd World Skills Competition has closed in Brazil&`&s largest city Sao Paulo, with China scoring four gold medals in manufacturing, welding, hairdressing, and car painting. In addition to gold medals, competitors from the Chinese delegation also won 6 silver medals, 3 bronze medals and 12 Medals for Excellence. Chinese officials say the contestants demonstrated their potential; and though the Chinese team has advanced on some categories, no major breakthrough was seen yet. They expect to achieve better results in the future. The Albert Vidal Award, the highest individual almighty prize, was shared by the competitors of Britain, Brazil and South Korea. Simon Bartley, president of the Amsterdam-based World-Skills International, said China has gradually progressed in the biennial World Skills Competition, billed as the "Olympics of Skills". He said the Chinese delegation has skilled talents in one fourth of the competing fields, while performing above average in the other fields. It was the first time that the competition was held in Latin America, with the highest number of participants in its history. A total of almost 1,200 contestants from 59 countries and regions demonstrated their skills during the four-day competition. This is NEWS Plus Special English. Beijing was among the worst 10 cities in China for air quality in July, the first time this year the capital has dropped so low. Only 35 percent of days in the month met the national standard, putting the capital at 65th among the country&`&s 74 major cities. According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection&`&s monthly air quality report, most of the polluted days registered excessive ozone concentration. Excessive concentrations of ozone can cause respiratory tract irritation, damage to the body&`&s immune system and affect lung function. Health experts strongly suggest that people stay indoors around noon to avoid the worst of such pollution. The maximum concentration in eight hours surpassed the national standard by 58 percent, 13 percent higher than the maximum in June. The ministry report said six cities in Hebei province, which neighbors Beijing, were among the worst 10 in China for severe air pollution in July, of which the city of Xingtai was the most polluted. Except for the higher ozone concentration, the capital has seen a year-on-year decrease of other major air pollutants. Sulfur dioxide has dropped by 28 percent, and PM2.5, particulate matter with a diameter smaller than 2.5 microns, fell by 32 percent. Unlike excessive particulate matter in the air, which makes the days smoggy, excessive ozone concentration can occur under blue skies. You&`&re listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I&`&m Liu Yan in Beijing. You can access the program by logging onto NEWSPlusRadio.cn. You can also find us on our Apple Podcast. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know by e-mailing us at mansuyingyu@cri.com.cn. That&`&s mansuyingyu@cri.com.cn. Now the news continues. The State Council, China&`&s Cabinet, has promised greater financial support and "scientific and steady" promotion of bilingual teaching so that education in ethnic regions achieves the national standard by the end of 2020. A cabinet document states that "education of ethnic minorities lags far behind the country&`&s average, it should be given a more prominent position". Stressing the educational rights of ethnic minorities and those living in ethnic regions, the document underscored the moral and social influence of education, as well as its role in ethnic unity and national stability. It says bilingual education should be promoted in a scientific and steady manner, it said, adding that teachers&`& ideological and political knowledge, and their professional and ethical skills should also be improved. According to the cabinet, teaching methods should be developed to help promote and implement "socialist core values", and efforts should be made to boost exchange and harmony among students of various ethnic groups. This is NEWS Plus Special English. Researchers from China and Russia have for the first time determined the population of the endangered Amur leopard, which lives along the border of the two countries. A joint operation this year found that at least 80 adult Amur leopards were living in the nature reserves and surrounding areas in northeast China, as well as the far east of Russia. The project was conducted by a Chinese team along with Beijing Normal University and a Russian leopard park. The border area is believed to be the only area in the world where Amur leopards, the world&`&s most endangered feline, live. The findings exceed previous estimations. Surveys in the early 21th century put the population at between 25 and 35. The team also discovered an isolated group of Siberian tigers, around 38, living in the border area. The findings show that the populations of Amur leopards and Siberian tigers are in a stage of rapid expansion thanks to the protective efforts by both countries. However, the experts noted that the two species were struggling to find enough suitable habitats. If there is not enough space to accommodate the rapidly growing populations, they will face a serious problem of lack of prey, which could lead to a collapse in population. You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I&`&m Liu Yan in Beijing. Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang Province in eastern China, has submitted its bid for the 2022 Asian Games. The Olympic Council of Asia, the sports-governing body of the region, will decide the host city of the 2022 games in Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan at its 34th congress on September 16. If Hangzhou wins, it will be the third time that the games are held in a Chinese city, after Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010. Beijing was selected to host the 2022 winter Olympic Games last month.