

2015-10-10    25'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

15579 1138

完整文稿请浏览微信周六第三条。This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news. China has launched a group of four satellites for commercial remote-sensing services, an important step in the development of remote-sensing space technology. The "Jilin-1" satellites include one optical remote-sensing satellite, two satellites for video imaging and another for imaging technique testing. All four satellites were developed and produced by Chang Guang Satellite Technology Company. The company will also take charge of commercial operations of the satellites to provide remote-sensing data and relevant products, which may be used for the monitoring, development, and surveying of resources as well as mapping and disaster prevention for domestic and overseas clients. The satellites were carried by a Long March-2D rocket. It was the 213th mission carried out using Long-March-series carrier rockets. Jilin in Northeast China is one of the country's oldest industrial bases. It is developing its satellite industry as a new economic driver. Chang Guang Satellite Technology Company plans to launch 60 satellites by 2020 and 137 by 2030. China has issued a plan for national science development, giving academics and inventors more incentives. The plan introduces mechanisms to motivate researchers and foster innovation with 32 specific measures. It was designed to encourage enterprises to take a dominant role in the country's sci-tech development, reform existing research institutes to encourage innovation and technology transfers and establishing incentive mechanisms to attract more talent. The current evaluation mechanisms should be overhauled to allow financial capital to be proactive in inspiring new findings and applied technology. Moreover, it stipulates the particular responsibilities of more than 40 related government departments that will coordinate to implement the reforms.