1) Peter Parker aka. Spider-man studied at empire state University. This is a fictional University based on a real life Institution, Which University was it based on?
a) Columbia University
b) Princeton University
c) MIT
d) Cambridge University
2) What is the name of Tony Stark (Iron Mans) father?
a) Bill Stark
b) John stark
c) Howard Stark
d) Ted Stark
3) In the Upcoming Captain America Film the Winter Soldier? What is the secret alias of the Winter Solder?
a) Steve Rogers Long lost Grandson
b) Steve rogers best friend from the second world war: Bucky
c) Shield Agent Collson
d) The Red Skull
e) Asgardian god Loki in disguise
4) What is the Surname of Batman's butler Alfred?
a) Johnson
b) Maysmith
c) Pennyworth
d) Tennison
5) What was the name of the photographer that worked at the Daily Planet with Clark Kent aka superman?
a) Louis Lane
b) Carl Thompson
c) Perry White
d) Jimmy Olson
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