Last week, a major summit took place in London whose ultimate aim was to get governments around the world to put an end to the illegal trading of endangered wildlife species. Three species were the main focus: the tiger, the elephant and the rhino as well as the trading of ivory, rhino horns and bones.
But what commitment did the meeting ensure from the delegates? China--where demand from its nouveau riche has helped re-fuel this illegal trade in recent years--has promised to adhere to international convention by punishing those who break the law. The government here has also set an example by destroying all its ivory artefacts.
But how easy is it to put an end to a trade which is worth 19 billion dollars on the black market which has helped push these three speicies on the verge of extinction. And what about Africa and its efforts to stamp out this illicit trade and money-spinner? What are they doing and failing to do to tackle this issue.
TODAY's Guests:
- Dominic Dyer, Policy Adviser at Care for the Wild International
- Elaine Toland, Director of Animal Protection Agency in the UK