

2015-12-20    01'21''

主播: 开口英语

2103 38

本听力为开口英语的腾讯课堂课程:初级实用口语(免费) 报名上课请进腾讯课堂主页kkyy.ke.qq.com 或直接百度搜索“开口英语” Let's go window-shopping. Where's the shoe department? It's on the third floor. May/Can I help you? What can I do for you? I'd like a suit. I'm looking for a red bag. I'm just looking. How much is this? How much does this cost? That's expensive! That's cheap! Do you have anything cheaper? Do you have change for a hundred? Do you have this shirt in a smaller size?  May I try it on? Do you have this sweater in red? What size do you wear? small/ medium/ large/ extra large It's too small for me. It's long/short. This is nice./ This is good. I'll take this one. / I'd like this one. Would you give me a discount? It's on sale. It's twenty percent off. Please wrap it for me. 本课程由开口英语原创,未经允许严禁转载。