

2016-03-29    21'31''

主播: 开口英语

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本内容可作为泛听材料,练习方法请参考置顶的文章 Charlie Teddy Hi, Charlie. It's Teddy here. So right now you're nine months old and everything is going great. Well, almost everything. Now what I'm about to show you is kind of disturbing, So brace yourself. Mmm, these sandwiches will be yummy wummy. Yes, they will, yes, they will. Mom and dad have been talking like that ever since you arrived And if it's not over soon, I'm gonna go crazy wazy. - PJ - - PJ! - what? What are you listening to? I downloaded a podcast on the history of ballet. - - - you like that? - More than baby talk. Would you like some fishy wishies with your cookie wookie? Yes, I would, yes, I would. Charlie Wait, guys, Charlie isn't even here. No, widdle baby take a nappy wappy upstairs. So why are you guys still talking like that? I don't "weawy" know. I guess we're just kinda fried. Well, we work all day, take care of a baby all night. Work shift, baby shift I've barely got time to make doo-doo Well, when was the last time you guys had a night out? You know, like just the two of you-- like a date? Teddy Teddy made a funny. A funny wunny. Seriously! you know what? it's saturday night. You two, you go out, have fun, And do something besides work, take care of the baby and make doo-doo. Well, it's nice to dream, Charlie but who's gonna take of Charlie Hello! you've got three great babysitters right here. I'm glad I didn't hear that. Teddy I don't know, Teddy. It's a really nice thought, Charlie But we're really not ready to go out without Charlie just yet - - - You guys want to see a magic trick? - Sure! - - - Okay. - Prepare to be amazed. I could use a night out. Day's all burnt toast Running late,and dad says Has anybody seen my left shoe I close my eyes, take a bite Grab a ride, laugh out loud There it is up on the roof I've been there, I've survived So just take my advice Hang in there, baby, things are crazy But I know your future is bright Hang in there, Baby There is no maybe Eveything turns out all right Sure life is up and down But trust me, it comes back all around You're gonna love who you turn out to be Hang in there, Baby Good Luck Charlie S01E02 Baby Come Back All right, you guys have fun. Stay out as late as you want. But not too much fun-- We have enough kids already. I'm serious. Okay, everyone, be good, have fun, love you. - - - Yeah yeah. - All right. Teddy Hey, Teddy, thanks for doing this. It's gonna be nice for your mom and I to have some special time together - Bob - - Bob, move your butt! - I'm coming! All right, so we divide it up evenly, Charlie We each get to spend an hour with Charlie. Who wants to go first? I think you should go first. And second and third, since this was your idea. Hey, I'm not doing this all by myself. you guys have to help out. Fine. I'll go fourth. There is no fourth. (:(fourth)(forth)) I meant I shall go forth to the park to shoot some hoop. You want to go to the park so badly, Charlie Then why don't you just take Charlie? What's a baby supposed to do at the park? Babies love parks. you can show her the duck pond, The blue sky, clouds. We're just gonna look at stuff? that's what TV is for. Yeah heh hah, all right! This is great. Whee! Yes, whoo! What are you looking at? I was here first. Hey, you can ride that duck. I couldn't ride the duck. I'd look silly on the duck. Fine. Charlie Hey there, Charlie. Are we having fun yet? All right. Man, you seen a kid's birthday party around here anywhere? I'm the entertainment. I saw a bounce house of the other end of the park. A bouncy house, eh? Great. Another trip to the E.R. Who are you supposed to be anyway? Plastic man, rubber man? No, those are all registered trademarks. I'm Captain Stretchy. "CS" There used to be a "CS" here, but it came off in the wash. So what's your super power? Super elasticity. Hey, look, there's a quarter. Ah, forget it. Not like it's a dollar, right? - - - Hi. - Hi. Oh, yeah, I like your taste in strollers. Thanks, you too. - - - That baby's so cute. - You too. Oh, I mean yours too. - Emma - PJ - I'm Emma. - I'm PJ - - - Who's this little guy? - My brother. We're just out for our stroll. We do this every day. Us too. Like I always say, babies love parks. - - - Would you like to sit for a bit? - Sure. So I saw you talking to Captain Stretchy earlier. Oh, yeah, he was lost. - - - Not much of a superhero, right? - Oh, he's the worst. We hired him for my brother's birthday party - - - and he sat on the cake. - That sounds awful. Oh, it gets worse. The candles was lit, so he sat in the punch That's so weird. I mean he looks like such a quality entertainer. PJ You know, PJ, I'm really impressed that you take your baby sister to the park. My brothers would never do anything like that. I hope not. She is my sister. Now watch closely. In this hand I have a quarter And in the other, an ordinary egg. Now I put them in this hat, spin them around a little And presto. Just out of curiosity, What was supposed to happen? I love this baby. Anytime she wants to go to the park, sign me up. What happened to you? Charlie PJ Let's just say charlie made a friend, PJmade a friend. Oh-- and did either you or your friend bother to change a diper? Emma There's no time for that. I was too busy talking to Emma. - Emma - - Who's emma? - A vision, An angel, the girl who's moved into my heart. Did you tell her about the vacancy in your brain? - PJ - - PJ? - what? You brought home the wrong baby. What? I did not. Take a look! Wrong parts. There's nothing wrong with those parts. How could you bring home the wrong baby? I'm sorry. I got a little distracted. Emma Emma is really cute. Yeah, well, so was our sister. Come on, let's go to the park and find her. Relax! I got her number. Then what are you waiting for? call her. Wait a second. Is it too soon? If I call now, she'll think I'm desperate. Oh, you are desperate. Good point. Emma Hello, is Emma there? This is a Chinese restaurant? Sure, I'll hear the specials. She gave you the wrong number. Who couldn't see that one coming? But I gave her gum and helped her change a poopy diaper. It was so romantic. Well, what do we do now? Oh no! Hi mom, what up? Yeah, everything's going great. why wouldn't it be? We're just having a grand old time here with-- Baby Yeah, sure you can talk to him. her her! Talk to mommy. Charlie What do you mean that did't sound like Charlie? What, do you just think I'm making baby noises into the phone? Mom, that's crazy. Charlie All right, bye. Say bye, Charlie. Not that I'm in the position to criticize, But I was getting more monkey. Come on, let's go to the park. PJ And meet the girl who blew off PJ? I'm there. - - PJ - I don't see her. - PJ, what did she look like? She was hot, but what does it matter? Maybe we should call someone. who do you call when you search a baby. Captain Stretchy! What is that? You're still here? Every saturday and sunday all day long. Stay in school, kids. Just the guy we needed to see. I think you can help us. Hey, kid, I'm just an entertainer. I can't get mommy and daddy back together. No, you don't understand. I was talking to a girl here earlier, And she said that you worked a party for her brother. So? I work lots of parties. Where was the party where you fell on cake? You got three hours? This is really important. We need to find her. Interesting situation. You kids need info, - “” - “” - And I need a mirdle. - What is a mirdle? That's a man girdle. And they ain't cheap. Yeah, neither is dry cleaning, apparently. Emma Her name's Emma. Did she come back to the park? Well, maybe she did And maybe she didn't. Stop rubbing your fingers together and answer my question. He wants a bribe. I can't believe it. Here. Emma Here is what I konw: Her name is Emma. I just told you that. I didn't say the information was fresh. Yeah, I know the girl. She comes from a big family-- seven, eight kids. For them I've been... Pete Bob Astronaut Pete, cowboy Bob... - Marv - - Magic Marv? - Yeah! You're familiar with my work. Yeah, and it stinks. I'm just starting off - - - And I'm a better magician than you are. - Oh yeah? You think this is easy, huh? here. Turn that into a schnauzer. You can't do it, huh? Maybe it's because you don't have the chops! Well, Stretchy, do you know where she lives? Yeah, around here somewhere. - - - I'd know it if I saw it. - Great! Now you help us tonight and we'll “” get you into that mirdle tomorrow. Oh, and you understand we're not actually Gonna put you into it? That you have to do by yourself. Yeah, I get it. All right, come on, guys, we have to go find her. Uh, hey-- Captain Stretchy, away! - - - Truck's this way. - Oh, okay. Order whatever you want, honey. I get a discount here. This place is one of my best customers. Not what you want to hear from an exterminator. Oh, look at that. Oh, fajitas. Not that, the baby. A little baby in a stroller just like ours. Yeah, okay, honey, This is supposed to be a night away from the baby. So let's come back. Okay okay, I'm back. I'm back. Just gotta run to the ladies' room. Oh oh, hey, listen, while you're in there, Could you check the traps? Hola. Adios. Bob Bob, will you go over and look at that baby? - Charlie - - I think it's Charlie. - What?! Charlie You heard me, that is Charlie! Sweetheart, would you sit down, please? I will not sit down. A mother knows her own baby and that is my baby. Honey, seriously, what do you think happened here? In the last hour somebody went over to our house, Borrowed our baby then brought her out for chips and guac? I don't know, it's a big family. - - - Maybe that's how they get their babies. - Sweetheart, Charlie I think you're just missing Charlie And you're having a little separation anxiety. Oh, okay. You're right. Crazy wazy. - - - I mean, that isn't possible, right? - Exactly. I'm just going to go to the ladies' room one more time. Sit down. Now let's enjoy the rest of our night out At this very lovely restaurant. - - - Okay? - Okay. I'm needed in the kitchen. - Charlie - Emma - Charlie! - Emma! - Charlie - Emma - Charlie! - Emma! - Marco - Polo - Marco! - Polo. (:,Marco,Polo) Gabe Gabe, not helping. Stretchy, is any of this looking familiar? Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. You are not getting any more money. No, I have night blindness. All I'm seeing is shapes. Why didn't you mention that earlier? I needed a ride home. Stop here. Oh, great. Mom's up. Maybe I'll just hang with you kids. Captain Stretchy, away. - - - Good night, Stretchy. - Good night, Stretchy. Good night. Now what? We didn't hit the streets on the north end of the park. PJ PJ, we can't keep driving around all night. It's over. We have to tell mom and dad. - - - But-- - No, it'll be okay. They know what to do. They always do. How am I gonna tell them I lost our baby sister? I'm the oldest. They're gonna think I'm the most responsible. PJ PJ, if it makes you feel any better, Nobody thinks that. Why do I always mess everything up? You know what? This could have happened to any of us. All right, probably most likely you, but-- This one, we're all in it together. Thanks. Hey, look, Captain Stretchy dropped his driver's license.