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Marilyn:What's this for?
Richard:Just because. How's the baby?
Marilyn:Fast asleep.
Richard:I&`&m sorry I missed him.4 I had to work late.
Marilyn:What are the flowers for, Richard?
Richard:Five years of happiness. Happy anniversary.
[They kiss.]
Marilyn:But our anniversary isn&`&t until Saturday.5
Richard:I couldn&`&t wait. Besides, we are not going to be here Saturday.
Marilyn:We&`&re not?
Marilyn:Where are we going to be?
Richard:If you had your choice of all the places in the world, where would you choose to spend our anniversary?
Marilyn:The Watermill Inn. I loved that place when we went on our honeymoon.
Richard:Perfect!9 You picked the right place.
Marilyn:I don&`&t understand.
Richard:You and I, Mrs. Stewart, are going to spend a second honeymoon at the Watermill Inn.
Marilyn:Oh, Richard! That&`&s wonderful, but----
Richard:No buts.
Marilyn:What about the baby?12 Aren&`&t we taking the baby on our honeymoon?
Richard:Absolutely not. The world&`&s greatest grand mother, Mrs. Ellen Stewart, has agreed to take care of him for the weekend.
Marilyn:Richard, isn&`&t that too much to ask of your mother13?
Richard:Too much? She loves taking care of Max.
Marilyn:But…I&`&ll miss him.
Richard:Well, we&`&ll phone every hour, and you can lis ten to him over the phone. Come on, Mar14. It&`&s time you and I had a romantic weekend alone together.15 We&`&ve earned it. What do you say?
Marilyn:It does sound tempting18. You&`&re right. We&`&ve earned it.
Richard:Great! I&`&ll make a reservation right now. Remember that wonderful little balcony20 where we had our meals…with a view of the Hudson River?
Marilyn:How could I forget?
Richard:Hello. Is Mrs. Montefiore there? Ah. [to Marilyn] She&`&s out.
Yes. This is Richard Stewart. My wife and I spent our honeymoon at the inn. No, we didn&`&t leave anything in the room. It was five years ago. We&`&d like to make a reservation for this week end. Yes, a double room23, please. What? Are you sure? But…Ok. Nothing available.
Wait! Don&`&t hang up! Can you recommend someplace nice----someplace near by? Uh----hold it. Old Country Inn? Right. And the phone number? 555-2420. Thank you. [He hangs up the phone.] He says there&`&s another inn just half a mile down the road from the Watermill.It won&`&t be the same, but what do you say?
Richard:My mom is available to baby-sit26 this week end.
Marilyn:Well, Ok. See if27 they have a room.
Richard:Right! [He dials again.] Hello. Is this the Old Country Inn. Yes. This is Richard Stewart. The desk clerk at the Watermill suggested28 your inn. Would you happen to have a room for two available this weekend?29 Something really nice. My wife and I are celebrating our fifth anniversary. Yes. I&`&ll hold30. [to Marilyn] He&`&s checking31. [to the clerk] You do? Great! What is the daily rate32? That&`&s fine. Thank you. Yes, we&`&ll be arriving33 by car about ten o&`&clock Friday night. Stewart. S-t-e-w-a-r-t. Thank you. [He hangs up the phone.] Done!34 You and I, Mrs. Stewart, are going to have a wonderful, romantic weekend!
Marilyn:Richard, that&`&s the baby.