

2016-07-28    03'50''

主播: 开口英语

1459 113

请在 kkyy.ke.qq.com报名本课程,或直接百度搜“开口英语”进入我们腾讯课堂 Innkeeper:Welcome to the Watermill Inn. Marilyn:Oh, Richard, it&`&s exactly as it was when we were married2! Innkeeper:And when I got married. Marilyn:Even the old patchwork quilt3 is the same! Innkeeper:My great-grandmother made that quilt when Teddy Roosevelt4 was President. In those days, when they made quilts, they cut patches from the old clothing of every member in the family so that5 each one would be a part of it. Marilyn:What a lovely tradition! Richard:Thank you for calling us. Innkeeper:I remember you and your wife from the first time you stayed with us. Richard:We were very young. Innkeeper:And very much in love6. Marilyn:We have a baby now. Innkeeper:How wonderful! A boy or a girl? Marilyn:A boy----Max. Innkeeper:Do you have a picture? Richard:Would a professional photographer be without a picture?7 [He takes out his wallet of photographs8 and shows her pictures of the baby.] Innkeeper:Oh, he&`&s adorable! Richard:And very bright. Marilyn:Like his father. A real Stewart. Richard:And very good-looking, like his mother. Innkeeper:Well, it&`&s nice to have you with us again. Next time, bring the baby. Marilyn:You see, Richard? Max is welcome here. Richard:Not on our anniversary. This vacation9 is for you and me. Innkeeper:If there&`&s anything you need, please call me. I&`&ll be in the front office10 all day. [There is a knock at the door.] Innkeeper:Oh, I took the liberty of11 ordering some breakfast for you. [The bellhop12 enters.] Innkeeper:[to the bellhop] Just put it over there, Charles. [The bellhop puts their breakfast on the table.] Innkeeper:Thank you. Charles. [to Marilyn and Richard] Compliments of the Watermill Inn.13 Richard:Thank you. Marilyn:Thank you so much. Richard:Now, this is my idea of a good time14 [He lilts the lids of the dishes on the table.] Let&`&s see…hotcakes15 and maple syrup16, with scrambled eggs17. Marilyn:Umm…smell that coffee…cinnamon and cloves18. Richard:Homemade19 buttermilk biscuits20. Marilyn:Slices of orange with burnt honey21. Richard:Let&`&s eat! Marilyn:First I want to call home and check on22 your mother and the baby. Richard:Honey, if there were any problems, she would call us23. Marilyn:She doesn&`&t know we&`&ve changed hotels. Richard:You&`&re right. Of course. Marilyn:[She goes to the telephone.] Hello, operator,24 I&`&d like to call Riverdale, New York. A little later. Richard:This food is heavenly25, isn&`&t it? Marilyn:This whole place is heavenly. Do you remember that old desk? Mrs. Montefiore told me that George Washington26 sat at that desk and wrote to his wife Martha. Richard:What do you want to do after breakfast? Marilyn:Why don&`&t we take a walk down to the river? Richard:In the rain? Marilyn:No. Look out the window.27 The sun is shining! Richard:Now this is my idea of a good time!