

2016-10-14    00'46''

主播: 开口英语

3106 22

7. Doctor Death 第7课 死亡医生 Whether very sick people should be helped to end their own lives is a question many people cannot answer. 是否应该帮助病入膏肓的人结束他们的生命是一个令许多人难以回答的问题。 However, Dr. Kevorkian is an exception. 然而,凯渥肯医生是个例外。 That he has done this more than twenty times is known to everyone. 大家都知道他帮人这么做已经有二十多次了。 Some say what he is doing is immoral. They call him Doctor Death. 有些人说他所做的是不道德的。他们称他为死亡医生。 Others say what he is doing is merciful. 有些人则说他所做的事很仁慈。 They call it mercy killing. 他们称之为安乐死。 Whether Dr. Kevorkian should be allowed to continue doing this is a real problem for the government. 对于政府来说,是否应该继续让凯渥肯医生结束病人的生命真的是个问题。 There seem to be two sides to the argument. 这项争议似乎正反两面都有人支持。 Which side are you on? 你站在哪一边呢?
上一期: 每日口语54
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