

2017-05-15    00'48''

主播: 开口英语

1134 5

46. Anything for a Kiss 第46课 为了吻不惜一切 Martin and Sally have just watched Thai boxing. (M=Martin; S=Sally) 马丁和莎莉刚观赏完泰国拳。 How did you like the fight, Sally? 你觉得那场格斗如何, 莎莉? I found it not only too violent but also very brutal. 我发觉那种比赛不只是过分暴力, 而且还非常残忍。 You're right. It's amazing how the fighters can take not only the punching but all the kicking as well. I wouldn't be able to handle it. 你说的没错。那些拳击手怎么有办法承受所有的拳打脚踢, 真是令人觉得不可思议。我可没办法挨上这么几下。 Oh, don't be so modest, Martin. 哦, 别那么谦虚嘛, 马丁。 No, really. I wouldn't fight one of those tough guys for all the money in the world. 不, 是真的。就算是给我天底下的钱我也不会和这些硬汉中的任何一个打。 Would you do it for a kiss? 你会为了一个吻而那么做吗? That's a different story. Sure, I will. But you've got to pay in advance. (Martin tries to kiss Sally.) 那又另当别论了。当然, 我会。但是你要先付款。(马丁试着要亲莎莉。) No, please don't. I was only kidding. 不, 拜托不要。我只是在开玩笑。