Isn't this nice?
We're all here together sharing family time.
"" Mom, please. "Celebrity pet castle" Is on.
Who would have thought a show about celebrity pets.
Living together in a castle would be so great?
· Last week, howie mandel's cat.
· Ate one of jack black's guppies.
I was thinking we could turn the tv off.
Wait! Not now.
They're starting with an elimination!
I'll get the popcorn.
I would not want to be beyonce's hamster right now.
Mouse! I saw a mouse!
It was like this big.
And your high-pitched girl scream scared it away.
Hey hey hey, look at this.
Mouse droppings.
Oh, bill.
That's a rocky mountain grey...
About to be a mother.
That is just gross.
I do not want a mouse or mouse babies in this house.
Aw, mouse babies.
Don't worry about it. It's not a problem.
You know what? Have a seat.
Watch a master exterminator in action.
Or we could get back to the show.
· Simon cowell's turtle is coming out of his shell.
Today's all burnt toast running late,and dad says
Has anybody seen my left shoe
I close my eyes, take a bite Grab a ride, laugh out loud
There it is up on the roof
I've been there, I've survived
So just take my advice
Hang in there, baby,
Things are crazy
But I know your future is bright
Hang in there, Baby
There is no maybe