来 小查莉 惹了麻烦时怎么说 Okay, Charlie, what do you say when you get in trouble?
噢喔 Uh-oh.
噢 小查莉刚刚说了句噢喔是吗 Oh, Charlie just made an uh-oh?
我才给你换了尿布啊 I just changed you.
不 小查莉什么也没做 No, Charlie didn't do anything.
我在给她声音取样罢了 I'm just sampling her.
"取样"指我把她说的每一句录制下来 "sampling" means I'm recording all the words she says.
以便之后回放 So I can play them back.
呵 我们过去也玩这个 Oh, we used to do that.
我们它把叫做磁带录音 We called it tape-recording.
来听听 Check it out.
我的 是的 Mine, yes,
不是 饼干 香蕉 no,cookie, Nana.
爸爸 你答应过我今天陪我练车的 Dad, you promised you'd take me driving today.
实话告诉你吧 我答应了一堆我办不到的事情 To be fair, I promise a lot of things I don't deliver on.
没错 可你不能把这事儿推了 Yeah, but you can't keep putting this off.
我三天后就要考驾照了 你一次也没陪过我 My driver's test is in three days,and you haven't taken me out once.
是 我知道 我知道 你跟我说过了 No, I know, I know.You explained it all to me.
那时我还在厕所里翻杂志啊 While I was trying to read in the bathroom.
你还隔着厕所门跟爸爸说的啊 You were outside the door while dad was in the bathroom?
瞧瞧我多渴望驾驶 That's how much I want it.
鲍伯你就带她去吧 Bob, take her driving already.
行 好吧 走 All right, fine.Let's go.
我早告诉过你我一出厕所准没好事 Boy, I tell you, nothing good ever happens when I leave the bathroom.
拜拜 拜 拜 拜拜 Bye-bye.Bye... bye... bye-bye.
-这是什么声音 -只不过怕你不说再见 - What's that?- Just in case you don't make it back.
P.J 你打算送泰迪什么生日礼物 P.J., what did you get Teddy for her birthday?
-生日 -你姐姐就要16岁了 - Birthday? - Your sister's turning 16.
我们明晚给她办个惊喜派对 We're having a surprise party for her tonight.
嗯 我看一定能惊喜到她 Well, it's working,
因为我已经被惊喜到了 'cause I'm surprised.
派对7点开始 The party starts at 7:00.
你得给她份礼物或准备点什么 You have to get her a present,and something nice.
-那么就送 -不许再送袜子玩偶 - How about...? - Not another sock puppet.
你也得送她生日礼物 You have to get her something too.
噢 噢 我走错地方了吗 Whoa whoa, what did I just walk into?
妈妈说我们得给泰迪买份生日礼物 Mom says we have to buy Teddy a birthday present.
送条狗如何 What about a dog?
我打赌她一定喜欢狗 I bet she'd like a dog.
严肃点儿 你得真的为她买点什么 I'm serious. You have to get her something.
送条狗如何 我打赌她一定喜欢狗 What about a dog? I bet she'd like a dog.
盖比 我们家进了狗吗 Gabe, is there a dog in my house?
也许吧 Maybe.
是它尾随我进的家门的 妈妈 He followed me home, mom.
我们能把它留下吗 Can we keep him?
不行 我跟你说了无数次了 No. I've told you 100 times
屋里不准养狗 I do not want a dog in this house.
拜托了妈妈 Mom, please.
马马 Horsy.
不 宝贝儿 这是狗狗 No, honey. It's actually a doggie.
它刚刚来了句马声马气的噢喔 Who just made a horsy-sized uh-oh.
抱歉泰迪 我最终主意已定 Sorry, Teddy.I've made my decision and it's final.
爸爸 这太不公平了 Dad, that's so unfair.
妈妈 爸爸不让我拿驾照 Mom, dad says I can't get my license.
-什么 为什么不能 -因为她还不够格 - What? Why not?- Because she's not ready.
噢不 我教练觉得我能行 他认为我相当棒 Well, my driving instructor thinks I am. He says I'm doing great.
你教练为公立学校开车 The man works for the public schools.
没什么钱过日子才这么说的 He's got nothing to live for.
妈妈 你能说两句吗 Mom, can you say something?
宝贝儿泰迪 真的抱歉了 Teddy honey, I'm sorry,
不过你爸爸在家倒是没什么发言权 But your father has a very small area of authority...
可不幸的是 And unfortunately for you,
教你们孩子开车他还是有权的 Teaching you kids to drive is part of it.
那还有什么是有权的 So what else is in that area?
烧烤 Barbecuing.
没了 That's it.
爸爸 拜托了 Dad, please.
我真的超想在16岁那天拿到驾照 I really want to get my license the day I turn 16.
瞧 这压根不可能 不是吗 Look, it's not gonna happen, all right?
暂时没有什么驾驶机会了 等另行通知再说 So until further notice,there's gonna be no driving.
嘿抱歉 钥匙交出来行吗 Sorry. Can I have the keys, please?
给你 Here.
真不想相信我在厕所外站了那么久还是不行 I can't believe I stood outside the bathroom door for this.
嘿 Hey.
你是支持我的 对吧 You're on my side, right?
-亲爱的 -什么 - Honey. - Yeah?
我怎么会对着一条狗说话 Why am I talking to a dog?
它尾随盖比进的家门 He followed Gabe home.
不过别担心 我把它弄得干干净净 But don't worry.I made it very clear.
我们不会留它下来的 We are not keeping him.
嘿 你知道吗 Hey, you know something?
它有那么点让我想到你的斯坦叔叔 He kind of reminds me of your Uncle stan.
-什么 -瞧这湿湿的鼻子和充血的眼睛 - What? - The wet nose and the bloodshot eyes.
拜托 他 Come on, he...
好吧 我也发觉了 Oh, now I see it.
P.J 问你个问题 P.J., I have a question.
爸爸教你开车的时候很抓狂吗 Was dad out of control when he was teaching you how to drive?
没啊 不 他脾气很好 No no, he was very mellow.
那么他到底怎么了 Then what is his problem?
嗯 因为脱发 杀虫谋生 Well, hair loss, kills bugs for a living...
答案可真多 There's so much to choose from.
好吧 不管为什么 他为什么拿我当出气筒 Well, whatever it is, why did he have to take it out on me?
我怎么知道 或许你开得太烂 I don't know.Maybe you're a bad driver.
不 我开得很好 No, I'm a good driver.
我是考驾照这群人中唯一的一个 I was the only kid in driver's ed.
看了暴力凶杀片儿没有呕吐的 Who didn't barf during the splattered brains movie.
正好我也有问题要问你 Actually I have a question for you.
我有个朋友快16了 I have a friend who is turning 16.
我得给她买个生日礼物 And I have to buy her a birthday present.
嗯 明白了 Mm, well
我知道你朋友一定不想要袜子玩偶 I know your friend wouldn't want a sock puppet.
好吧 Okay.
话说 她到底会想要什么 Well, what would she want?
嗯 Well,
她或许喜欢靴子 She'd probably like boots,
像商场里很炫的店里的那种 Like from that cool store at the mall,
但别买黑底紫色流苏的 But not the black ones with the purple trim.
她已经有了双 She already has those.
我只是瞎猜罢了 I'm just guessing.
噢 嗨 达布尼太太 Oh hi, Mrs. Dabney.
我看见你们家的人弄了条狗来 I see you people have a dog now.
呃 我最近不错 多谢关心 你呢 Oh, I'm doing fine, thanks.How are you?
我有事得和你说清楚 Let me explain something to you.
你们的狗让我家的猫神经紧张 Your dog makes my Cat nervous.
我家猫一神经紧张 我就跟着神经紧张 And when my Cat gets nervous, I get nervous.
我一神经紧张 达布尼先生就神经紧张 And when I get nervous, Mr. Dabney gets nervous.
那接下来如何 Then what happens?
达布尼先生会住到他妈妈家 Mr. Dabney goes to stay with his mother.
因此你们养狗看起来也没那么坏 So this dog thing is not entirely bad.
行了 我们谈话结束了 All right, we're done here.
噢 达布尼太太 先别走 Oh, Mrs. Dabney,before you go,
呃 我需要些练车的时间 Um, I need some more practice hours.
在我拿到驾照之前 Before I take my driver's test,
你需要司机的话 我愿意给你当 So if you ever need a chauffeur, I'm your girl.
那么走吧 Let's go.
就现在 Right now?
我有一堆事要做 I've got a bunch of errands to run.
如果你来开 我就能在手机上玩猜字游戏了 And if you drive, I can play word jumble on my cell phone.
其实我开车时一直玩 只不过这样合法罢了 Actually I do that anyway,but this way it's legal.
这家店怎么只有女孩 This store only has girls in it.
没错 Yeah.
好吧泰迪姐鞋码多大 So what's Teddy's shoe size?
我怎么知道 I don't know.
你连她鞋码都不知道 You don't know her shoe size?
我甚至不知道她的中间名 I don't know her middle name.
噢 小子 那我们怎么给她买鞋 Well, dude, how are we supposed to buy her shoes?
等会儿 Wait a minute.
泰迪上周误穿了你的运动鞋 对不对 Teddy wore your sneakers by m