

2017-05-17    04'04''

主播: 齐齐说英语讲故事

39 1

分享歌词: When I hear the bird start singing,当我听到鸟儿在歌唱,I wanna see you,我想见你,Hoo,hoo,do do do do do...哦 哒 哒 哒 ~,When I see the leaves start fallin',当我看到树叶开始掉落,I wanna see you,我想见你,The only thing I'll do,我只会做一件事,Don't you know,你不知道的事,Is to rush and run to you,我将奔向你,When I hear the clock start tiching,当我听到闹钟开始转动,I start to miss you,我开始想你,Ooh...The only thing I'll do,喔 ... 我只会做一件事,Is gonna dream of you,我开始梦见你,Wanna stay by by by you side,想你在我旁边,You are my everything,你是我的一切,You are my only link,你是我唯一的纽带,To the angel's wings,带给我一双天使的翅膀,Talk about love love and,谈论我们之间的爱情,I can't stop thinking of you,我不能停止想你,Such a crazy thing,多么疯狂的事情,Like snow fallin' in spring,像雪落在春天,(You know every morning),(你知道每个早晨),When I hear the bird start singing,当我听到鸟儿在歌唱,I wanna see you,我想见你,Ooh...the only thing I'll do,喔 ... 我只会做一件事,Is to rush and run to you,我将奔向你,When I hear the clock start tiching,当我听到闹钟开始转动,I start to miss you,我开始想你,Ooh...The only thing I'll do,喔 ... 我只会做一件事,Is start to dream of you,我开始梦见你,I found my angel in my life,我已找到我生命中的天使,I cannot see why,我不明白为什么,I cannot see why,我不明白为什么,We can't be in love till we die,直到我们死我们都不能相爱,Wanna stay by by by you side,想你在我旁边,You are my everything,你是我的一切,You are my only link,你是我唯一的纽带,To the angel's wings,带给我一双天使的翅膀,Talk about love love and,谈论我们之间的爱情,I can't stop thinking of you,我不能停止想你,Such a crazy thing,多么疯狂的事情,Like snow fallin' in spring,像雪落在春天,One day we'll spread our wings,某天我们将张开双翼,You and me da,you and me da...我和你 我和你 哒,Spread our wings do...do...do...张开双翼 哒~~,Wannabe wannabe wanna,我只想,I wanna be.be your lover,我只想成为你的爱人,I'll run to you...ooh...我将奔向你