歌曲赏析It's over

歌曲赏析It's over

2017-06-23    08'25''

主播: 齐齐说英语讲故事

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分享歌词: Another lonely night,又是一个孤寂的夜,I've been facing your fights,大吵大闹了这么多次,But I'm down,可心依然会痛,Cause she said it's over,她告诉我一切都已结束,Mad and gloomy lights,你那迷人而又忧郁的眼神,I've been high in your lights,曾令我小鹿乱撞,兴奋不已,But I'm down, I'm so down,Cause she said it's over,她说一切已成过去,Oh there's nothing left to hide,这份感情已毫无保留,You said it's over,你说就让它这么结束吧,You can say within I'm dying,悉听尊便吧,反正我心已死,Cause she said it's over,她说木已成舟,Oh there's no more left goodbye,要断就断得干脆,别再藕断丝连,You said it's over,你说我们就此别过吧,You can feel the pain of cried,你是否感受到那种撕心裂肺的痛,When you said it's over,当你亲手了结这段感情的时候,Said it's over,跟我说木已成舟,Said it's over,一切都已成定局,Said it's over,跟我说激情难复,Said it's over,告诉我热度不再,Said it's over,跟我说就此了断,Said it's over,说我们到此为止,Said it's over,从此不再有任何交集,Another sleepless night,又是一个辗转难眠的夜晚,I've been facing your fights,想起一路走来的打打杀杀,But I'm down,可我最后还是放弃了抵抗,Cause she said it's over,脑海里的声音告诉我早该如此,忍受着一次又一次的争吵,I've been freezing my mind,我的心早已死透冷若冰霜,可我还是有些难过,有些难过,Cause she said it's over,心里的声音告诉我一切都已结束,Oh there's nothing left to hide,也没有什么再藏着掖着了,You said it's over,You can say within I'm dying,随便你吧,反正我心已死,Cause she said it's over,我也自知一切已无力回天,Oh there's no more left goodbye,那就断个干净,别再藕断丝连,You said it's over,你说就这样好聚好散吧,You can feel the pain of cried,可你是否也会心痛落泪呢,We can say it's over,走到这步我们早已心中了然,Said it's over,就这么放手吧,Said it's over,就这么断了吧,Said it's over,就这么结束吧,Said it's over,从此不再有任何瓜葛,Said it's over,不再有任何纠缠,Said it's over,不再有任何交集,Said it's over,既然木已成舟,Cause she said,因为心里的声音,When she said it's over,告诉自已结局已然注定,Cause you said,因为你最后还是说了出来,When you said,那压死骆驼的最后一根稻草,It's over,一切...都结束了。 分享Jød/MEIDEN/Maki Flow的单曲《It's Over》