

2014-08-26    02'30''

主播: 海学英语口语

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美语怎么说006讲: 扫货 Jessica 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是吴琼要问的:扫货。 学地道口语,报读吉米老师听力口语特训班,在线学习,吉米老师微信号:791026787,加我注明特训班哦 Jessica: Wuqiong, 明天我们去吃火锅好不好? WQ: 火锅儿?好吃! 可...我没钱. Jessica: No money? You told me you got a scholarship! WQ: 奖学金是拿了,可我一高兴就拿去扫货啦! Jessica: 扫货? WQ: 就是 buy a lot of things! Jessica: Oh! You went on a shopping spree! WQ: shopping spree? Jessica: Right! Spree is spelt s-p-r-e-e. Going on a shopping spree means you spend a lot of money during a single shopping trip. 头脑发热,看什么都买。 WQ: 对! I went on a shopping spree after getting my scholarship money! 我那天疯狂扫货,一分钱都没留下! Jessica: But do you really need all the things you bought on the shopping spree? WQ: 说实话,好多东西都用不着,可我当时就是那么烧包!烧包你懂么?就是看着手里的钱难受,非把它花出去! Jessica: Haha! Actually, in English, we have a similar expression--your money was burning a hole in your pocket. WQ: My money was burning a hole in my pocket? 钱把衣服兜烧了个窟窿?这的确跟“烧包”很像! Jessica: Wuqiong, next time your money is burning a hole in your pocket, take me with you! I'll make sure we only go window shopping! WQ: Window shopping? 买窗户? Jessica: (Chuckle) No. Window shopping means we only look at the window displays, without really buying anything! WQ: 哦,就是光看不买! 这个好,省钱! Jessica: 对! Now tell me what you've learned today! WQ: 第一,扫货叫go on a shopping spree; 第二,烧包叫money is burning a hole in one's pocket; 第三,光看不买是window shopping!