

2014-09-25    02'37''

主播: 海学英语口语

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学地道英语,关注微信公众号【英语】,微信号:yingyu9 ,报读吉米老师听力口语特训班,请加吉米老师微信:791026787 Jessica在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是杨林要问的:真命天子 YL: Jessica! 跟你说件事儿。 Jessica: Go ahead. YL: 我不久前碰到高中时同桌的男生,和他聊得特投机! 我们一起看电影,吃饭,跳舞......太开心了! 我好象喜欢上他了! Jessica: You mean you "developed a crush on him?" Crush is spelled c-r-u-s-h, crush. It means a temporary love. YL: 哦,crush 就是一时迷恋,动心。Jessica, I think I developed a major crush on him. Jessica: 杨林,你不是有男朋友么? YL: 呃......我也为这事儿发愁呢,不知道谁是我的真命天子。 Jessica: 真命天子?那不是皇帝么? YL: 哈哈,是皇帝没错。可一个女生的真命天子就是她真正的伴侣。这用英文怎么说呢? Jessica: Oh, you're talking about "Mr. Right"! Mr. Right refers to the perfect man for you. YL: Mr. Right? right是“对,正确”,所以 Mr. Right 就是各方面都跟我特别合适的男人, 我的真命天子! Jessica: Exactly! So who looks like your Mr. Right, your boyfriend or this high school classmate? YL: 我也不知道! 你说我该选择哪个呢? Jessica: Well, I think you should choose the one who is your soul mate. YL: soul mate? s-o-u-l, soul是灵魂的意思,mate 是伴侣,所以soul mate 就是灵魂伴侣喽? Jessica: 没错! Your soul mate is the person with whom you have deep and natural love. It's very spiritual. YL: 和那人心有灵犀一点通,这感觉太美好了! Jessica: 好了,Let's see what you've learned today! YL: 第一:对某人产生好感,to develop a crush on someone; 第二:女孩子的真命天子, Mr. Right; 第三:灵魂伴侣,soul mate。