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Clock Ticking on Climate Change Prevention
【科学60秒】1341 气候变化全球问题
Climate change is real. Carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and clearing forests, among other human activities, is to blame. And more and more of that global warming pollution is being dumped in the atmosphere each year.
气候变化是真的。 从石化燃料燃烧生成的二氧化碳以及正在被清除的森林,再加上其它的人类活动,都是要对此负责的。而每年向大气中排放的全球变暖污染物越来越多。
So says the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's new synthesis report released on November 2. The synthesis reduces thousands of pages of scientific knowledge to their essence. That essence, however, has hardly changed since the last synthesis report in 2007.
所以,在11月2日联合国国际联合政府小组发布的气候变化最新综合分析报告中表达了上述观点。 这种综合分析的观点减少了几千页用科学知识表述他们想要表达的核心问题。然而,这个核心问题,自上次在2007年发布的综合分析报告中就一直坚定的存在了。
What has changed is the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which have now touched 400 parts per million. Pollution in the first decade of the 21st century grew twice as fast as it did in the last few decades of the 20th century. The resulting global warming poses risks ranging from rising sea levels that drown inhabited coasts to crop failures from stronger heat waves and drought.
唯一改变的是大气中的温室气体浓度 ,现在已经接近到每百万分之400。在21世纪的开始二十年与20世纪最后几十年相比,增长的速度快了两倍。 因此导致的全球变暖又威胁到从可淹没沿海居住地的正在升高的海平面问题到越来越强的高温热浪以及干旱对粮食作物造成的减产问题。
The IPCC has now offered a budget for how much pollution people can add to the atmosphere without too much climate change. Unfortunately, humanity has already used more than half of that budget.
The world's nations are meeting in Lima this year in hopes of hammering out a global deal to combat climate change to be agreed upon in Paris in 2015. The new report is a reminder to world leaders that the stakes, like the seas, are high.
世界各国今年在利马有个会谈,希望能形成一个抗击气候变化问题的全球共识,并且最终能在2015年巴黎举行的会议最终达成一致 。这个最新发布的报告对世界各国领导人都是个提醒,人类面临的风险和海平面一样,都已经很高了。