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Active Sun At Birth Cut Historical Lifespans
【科学60秒】 太阳光会缩短寿命你信么
Astrologists have long contended that the stars profoundly influence people here on Earth. And it looks like they may have stumbled onto the truth—at least when it comes to one star: the sun. Because a new analysis of Norwegian birth records suggests that children born during periods of high solar activity lived five years less, on average, than did their counterparts born during periods of low solar activity. And women born during solar maxima appear to have been less fertile. Those findings appear in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. [Gine Roll Skjærvø et al, Solar activity at birth predicted infant survival and women’s fertility in historical Norway]
Researchers analyzed more than 8,600 births from 1676 to 1878, while controlling for other factors like socioeconomic class. And indeed, higher solar activity at birth appeared to cut lifespan. The reason, the researchers say, could be exposure to increased ultraviolet radiation during periods of high solar activity. Because that UV light can degrade an expectant mothers' stores of folate, a B vitamin essential to a baby's healthy development. It's unclear whether the effect would still hold today, as many pregnant women take supplements of the vitamin.
And despite the sun's potentially harmful effects, we still need it—to synthesize ample vitamin D. "A lot of the media now has been that if you're pregnant or planning to become pregnant, then you should avoid sun, or not go south for the winter to get a lot of sun, especially if you're very pale." Study author Frode Fossøy, an evolutionary biologist at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. "We also need sun, to get vitamin D—so it's a delicate balance."
然而尽管太阳有这样潜在的危害,我们还是需要它的不是么——还需要它帮助合成足够的维生素D.”现在许多媒体已经在宣传,如果你怀孕了或者准备怀孕,那么你应该避免接触过多阳光或者说你最好不要去南方过冬以免接触大量的日光,特别是如果你还很白的话。” 这是该研究的作者Frode Fossøy,挪威科技大学进化生物学家。”我们还是需要太阳的,为了合成维生素D——所以需要权衡一下利弊。”
There's an expression in Norwegian for that, he says. "Den gylne middelvei." The golden middle way, the middle road. "Moderation, yep. That's sensible."
挪威人对此有这样的解释,他说“Den gylne middelvei.”这应该是挪威语吧,意思是:中间的路才是黄金大道。“中庸之道,耶,才是明智之举。”