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And I Love You So - Don McLean
And I love you so
The people ask me how
How I&`&ve lived &`&till now
I tell them I don&`&t know
I guess they understand
How lonely life has been
But life began again
The day you took my hand
And yes I know
How lonely life can be
The shadows follow me
And the night won&`&t set me free
But I don&`&t let
The evening get me down
Now that you&`&re around me
And you love me too
Your thoughts are just for me
You set my spirit free
I&`&m happy that you do
The book of life is brief
And once a page is read
All but love is dead
That is my belief
And yes I know
How lonely life can be
The shadows follow me
And the night won&`&t set me free
But I don&`&t let
The evening get me down
Now that you&`&re around me
And I love you so
The people ask me how
How I&`&ve lived &`&till now
I tell them I don&`&t know