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See Movement Better by Bicarb
Most carbon dioxide that travels from your muscles to your lungs for exhalation does so not as CO2 proper, but as part of bicarbonate: HCO₃—Bicarbonate's vital to maintaining your blood pH, and it also aids in digestion.
But it turns out bicarbonate also tweaks the activity of rod cells in your retina. In everyday vision, photons flood your rod cells, setting off a chemical cascade that eventually translates into an electrical message about what you saw. But in lab tests, higher than normal levels of bicarbonate allow the rods to recover from that photon response 30 percent faster. A 30 percent higher refresh rate, essentially—meaning your ability to detect movement would improve. The downside? This rapid reset of the rod cells means they're less sensitive to light.
但是研究显示碳酸氢盐也能调整你的视网膜中的视杆细胞的活性。在每天你用眼的时候,光子充斥着你的视杆细胞,引发一种化学级联反应最终能把你所看到的内容信息转化为电信号信息。在实验室的测试中,比正常含量高一些的碳酸氢盐可以使得视杆细胞从对光子做出反应的活动中恢复速度提高30%。这30%的恢复率,很有必要——意味着你能提高探测周围移动物体的能力。有没有不利因素?这种快速重起视杆细胞 的能力意味着它们对光大的敏感性降低。
"If you're sitting in darkness and you turned on a steady light, it might now take brighter light for you to say, 'I can see that.'" Study author Clint Makino, of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and Harvard Med School. "Or if the light's already on, it would take a larger increment in intensity for you to say, 'Ok, it looks brighter now.'" The results are in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. [Teresa Duda et al, Bicarbonate Modulates Photoreceptor Guanylate Cyclase (ROS-GC) Catalytic Activity]
如果你坐在黑暗的环境里,然后你打开一种稳定的光线的光源,现在你可以说你被较强的光线照射了。“我能看的见。”该研究的作者Clint Makino在马塞诸塞州眼睛和耳朵诊所以及哈佛医学院工作。或许,如果光源已经打开,你需要挑更高的亮度后才能说‘好吧,现在却是亮点儿了。’该研究结果已发表在《生物化学》杂志上。
Makino says heavy exercise—which causes a boost in CO2—might even alter the body's bicarbonate enough to trigger a measurable effect on the eye. "I don't think it's known whether your vision changes under conditions of vigorous exercise. So that'll be an interesting question for the experimental psychologists and the psychophysicists." And if you're eyeing your club soda as a shortcut to CO2? He says most of those bubbles never make it past the belch.
—Christopher Intagliata