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playing my game
won&`&t open my mouth
you know what I&`&ll say
it hurts me that its gotta be here this way
I can no longer hide
god knows I&`&ve tried
I held on as long as I could
if I could change it, I would
this is the way I am
and this is what I do
I cry my tears
but theyre not for you
playing a game
I know youve done too
I shouldnt have waited
but still its all the same
cause you know
I&`&m just playing my game
close your ears if you dont like the sound of my voice
you&`&re acting like I
like I had a choice
but to leave you behind well
I&`&ve made up my mind
I cry my tears
but they not for you
playing a game
I know you&`&ve done too
I shouldnt have waited
but still it is all the same
because you know
I&`&m just playing my game
dont hold me with your eyes
the light in them I cannot see
no need to blind me
theres this darkness where I walk
you thought you had your future
all figured out
I cry my tears
but they&`&re not for you
playing a game
I know you&`&ve done too
I shouldn&`&t have waited
but still it is all the same
cause you know
I&`&m just playing my game
I&`&m playing my game