

2016-02-01    02'38''

主播: 海学英语口语

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学更多地道英语口语,关注公众微信【英语口语】微信号:kouyu8,如果想系统学习提高英语口语能力,报名吉米老师听力口语特训班,百度传课网chuanke.com 搜索:听力口语特训班,看到第一个即可报名,566个同学报名啦,100%好评哦! Christie, look at me .克里斯蒂,看着我。 I want you to remember something 我想让你记住 Because a lot of times people get nice things and they start to think differently . 人们往往有所收获就开始改变自己的想法 We got here from hard work,patience and humility.我们有今天的成功全凭努力,耐心和谦虚谨慎。 So I want to tell you don’t ever think that the world owes you anything.所以我想告诉你千万不要认为这世界欠你什么。 Beacause it doesn’t . 因为它并不欠你什么。 The world doesn’t owe you a thing.世界从不欠你任何事情。 I was valedictaorian in high school .中学时, 我是最优秀的学生 I got into a fancy colloge.我考入了名牌大学。 I stay in here, because my parents are getting divorced. 我留在这里是因为父母要离婚 No!不! You know what you are, Terry, you’re like a gas leak.你知道吗, 泰莉,你就像泄露的瓦斯。 We don’t see you, we don’t smell you,看不见,闻不着, But you’re silently killing us all.q却会悄悄杀死我们。 Maybe your dreams are on hold for now.或许你的梦想只是暂时停摆了。 That’s a nice way of putting it. 这样说倒是好听些。 You are so beautiful, you could marry anyboby. 你真漂亮, 谁都想娶你。 Marry a doctor, a lawyer, a nice man.你可以嫁给一个医生,律师,或者一个好男人。 Instead of this ……I don’t even know what to call this guy 而不是这个…… 我都不知道怎么形容这个男的 Are you seriously talking about this right now 你现在真要跟我说这些吗? I believe the ordinary meets the extraordinary every single day.我相信每一天,平凡都会遇上不凡。 I have real ambitions and real ideas. 我志向满满, 创意十足。 We are making an invention, and it’s very serious.我们在非常认真的搞发明 Joy’s never run a business in her entire life.乔伊一生中从来没有经营过生意 It’s my fault这是我的错 I gave her the confidence to think she was more than just an unemployed housewife . 是我给了她信心让她认为自己不只是个无业的家庭主妇。 I don’t want to end up like my family. 我不想落得像家人一样 I have to do things myself once and for all. 我必须彻底靠自己奋斗。 Okay! Godspeed, good luck, here we go! 好的,祝你顺风, 我们开始吧! As you grow up and come into the world thathas all sorts of things in it当你渐渐长大, 来到这样的世界,充斥着形形色色的事物, Money, crime, betrayal……财富, 犯罪,背叛 Seems like you are shaking us down.看起来你想敲诈我们。 You could pay more.你可以多付点钱。 I can’t, and I won’t. 我付不了, 也不会付。 You realize that the only thing you gonna have is what you make. 你会发现, 你的付出决定了你的回报。 You are in a room, and there is a gun on the table.你在一间屋子里,而桌上有一把枪。 The only other person in the room is an adversary in commerce.屋子里另外只有一个人, 是你商业上的竞争对手。 Only one of you can prevail.只有一个人能够成功。 Do you pick up the gun, Joy? 你会拿起枪吗,乔伊? I pick up the gun. 我会的。 Listen to me, 你给我听着 Never speak ……on my behave…… 永远不要…….再以我的名义…… about my business…… again 在关于我个人的事上……替我说话