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I was in the hospital for years when i was a kid. All the doctors said I should give up sports. Where do you think you&`& re going, Young man. The Olympics. You&`& d better take this to put your medals in. Thanks, mum.
For as long as I can remember, it has been my ambition to become an Olympian. Eddie, you&`& re not an athlete. I just needed to find out the right sport. British hasn`t had a ski jumper since 1929. I&`& m gonna be a ski jumper. He&`& s gonna break his neck. I&`& m gonna break his neck.
The time to start jumping is when you&`& re five or six. I heard you were a champion,so I was thinking maybe you could give me a few tips. Give up. Here is one for free. Watch this guy, No.2 in the world. And he knew what he was doing. It` s not actually go and jump, is it?
You&`& re not gonna give up, aren&`& t you? You want your moment, eddie, you gotta do this for real. Our strategies will best be described as ugly but effective. The Olympics is associated with certain qualities. Excellence, achievement. They have no desire to associate with defeat. You&`& re a disgrace to the sport. Good. Personal best! And we are a disgrace!
Mr.Edwards, your jump doesn&`& t count. Cause you just changed the rules. Don&`& t I have a right to represent my country? No. My dream&`& s turned into a nightmare. It&`& s the world that doesn&`& t wanna know ya. So what&`& s new? The British Olympics association is trying to stop me. I have to do this!
And press all want to hear your story. I was kicked off by every team I was ever on before i even got a chance to prove myself. I take jumping very seriously, nearly as much as proving people wrong.
Where do you think you' re going? I thought you might need this. It' s higher than you jumped before, faster than you' ve gone before. You' re gonna break bones, you' re lucky if you can walk again. As your coach i think you' re crazy. But as your friend, fly.
You' re Eddie the eagle.