

2016-03-06    02'23''

主播: 海学英语口语

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学更多地道英语口语,关注公众微信【英语口语】微信号:kouyu8,如果想系统学习提高英语口语发音,语调,可以报名吉米老师美式音标特训班,英语零基础一样可以学习哦!百度传课网chuanke.com 搜索:美式英语特训班,看到第一个即可报名,21个同学报名啦,100%好评哦! Which Oscar winners thanked their partner at their acceptance speech? And are they still together today? The Hollywood Reporter analyzed the top 4 categories: Best Actor; Best Actress; Best Supporting Actor; Best Supporting Actress for the past 30 years. 那些奥斯卡得主在获奖感言中感谢了他们的另一半呢?而今天他们是否还在一起?《好莱坞报道》分析了在过去30年终最主要的4个奖项:最佳男主角。最佳女主角,最佳男配角和最佳女配角。 We found that out of 120 winners, 32 did not thank their partner. And of those who did not thank, 59.4% split up.On the other hand, 40.6% of those who did not thank their partner are still together today. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to the family that made this film that gave me the opportnity to do something different.I always wanted to discover some new continent and I thought i had to go this way.Then I was introduced to Quentin Tarantino.Looking into the 58 winners who did thank their partner. 39.7% later broke up.Conversely, 60.3% thank their significant other and are still together till this day.I am going to start by thanking my husband because I' d like to thank that I learn from past mistakes.Chad, you are my everything. Thank you for your support, it means the world.My wonderful wife who' s my mast through the storms of life.I hope I' m likewise to you, darling. 我们发现在120位获奖者中,32位并没有对他们的伴侣表示感谢,而在这些人中有59.4%都以感情破裂作为结果。而在另一方面,40.6% 并未感谢伴侣的演员都将感情维系至今。感谢大家给我这个机会。感谢我的家庭成就了这部影片,给我机会去尝试不同的东西。我总是渴望探索新的领域。本以为我只能这么做下去,知道我被介绍给昆汀·塔伦迪诺。看看感谢了伴侣的那58位获奖者吧。其中39.7%在日后都走向了感情破裂,相反的,在那些感谢了伴侣的人中有60.3%恩爱至今。首先我要感谢我的丈夫,因为我想感谢正是过去犯下的错误让我不断进取。查德,你是我的全部。感谢你的支持,对我来说这就是全世界。我的好妻子,就如同我人生风浪中的桅杆,希望我之于你也是如此,亲爱的。 Now here's a look at some of our favourite thank you speeches from throughout the years.I want him to know that everything I valued the most in our lives, you've given me.I am grateful every day, for the most remarkable person I knew, my wife, the wonderful Michelle Schumacher. Baby, you were so right.And I am standing here because the woman i share my life with, has taught me and demonstrates for me every day, just what love is. 现在让我们来看看过去这些年来一些我们很喜欢的获奖感言吧。我想让他知道,所有我一生中最为看重的东西,你都已经让我得到了。每一天我都心怀感恩,在我认识的所有人里,最为卓越的是我美妙的妻子米歇尔·舒马赫。宝贝,非你莫属。我站在这里是因为与我共度生命的这位女性在每一天都展示给我并教会我爱的真谛。 The"thank you scroll" for 2016 show cold eliminate the "forgotten" thank you. So what will the winners say? We Will have to tune in Sunday to find out. 今年新引进的“滚动的感谢名单”也许可以帮大家免除忘记谢谢谁了的尴尬。获奖者会说些什么呢?关注周日的直播告诉你答案。