海底总动员2 ,寻找多莉

海底总动员2 ,寻找多莉

2016-03-07    01'38''

主播: 海学英语口语

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学更多地道英语口语,关注公众微信【英语口语】微信号:kouyu8,如果想系统学习提高英语口语发音,语调,可以报名吉米老师美式音标特训班,英语零基础一样可以学习哦!百度传课网chuanke.com 搜索:美式英语特训班,看到第一个即可报名,21个同学报名啦,100%好评哦! Today is the day! 就是今天了! Our field trip to the stingray migration. stingray migration 我们黄貂鱼的迁徙旅行。 黄貂鱼的迁徙旅行。 Migration is about going home. Home. 迁徙是为了回家。 家。 Which is where you are from 家就是你最初的地方 How do the stingaries all know where to go? 为什么所有的黄貂鱼都知道要往哪走? Instinct 本能 Something deep inside you that feel so familiar that you have to listen to it 在你内心深处有一个声音,它似曾相识,你必须听从。 Ah, My mom and my dad! 噢,我的爸爸妈妈! I have a family! 我有一个家叻~ We will never forget you, Dory. 我们永远不会忘记你,多莉。 We will never forget you. 永远不会忘记你。 I miss them. 我想它们。 You know what that feels like? 你懂那种感觉吗? Yes 嗯 Then we better get going! 那我们就赶快上路吧! All the way sink! 一路下沉喔 Isn’t that great? No! 感觉是不是很棒,不。 I’m gonna be totally sick. 我要吐了。 Can you help me? –Wow ahh… 你可不可以帮我? ——啊哇啊喔 Sorry,not a great swimmer 抱歉,游泳技术不佳 I think you swim beatifully. 我觉得你游得很出色啊 Thank you~ 谢谢啦~ You are welcome 不用谢 Wait, Dory? 等等,是多莉吗? Yes 是 You and I were friends. –No. 我们以前是朋友啊。没吧。 It was so much fun! Cause I’d tell you a story, 那时候真有趣。因为我跟你讲故事啊, and then you completely forget about it.-uh-huh. 讲完你就全忘了。 -嗯额 And then I get to tell it to you over and over again 于是我就可以一遍又一遍地给你讲 I am looking for my family 我在找我的家人 Are you crazy? It’s too dangerous! 你疯了吗? 太危险啦! HANDS! Hands? 手来了!-什么手? Mommy? 妈咪? Holy Naptune 我勒个去 That is definitely not my mommy! 那绝逼不是我妈妈 I’m sorry,I gotta blink. 不好意思,我眨眼了。 How do you hold your eyes open that long? 你们是怎么做到长时间不眨眼的? What’s happening? 发生了什么 Hello? Hello? 有人吗? 有木有? Hey, you 嘿,你 Hi can you help me… Shh 嗨 你可以帮我吗 –别说话 Ah 啊 Emm, not good 哇喔,不太妙喔