

2016-03-13    02'15''

主播: 海学英语口语

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学更多地道英语口语,关注公众微信【英语口语】微信号:kouyu8,如果想系统学习提高英语口语发音,语调,可以报名吉米老师美式音标特训班,英语零基础一样可以学习哦!百度传课网chuanke.com 搜索:美式英语特训班,看到第一个即可报名,45个同学报名啦,100%好评哦! On Earth we have everything we need to survive. Air to breathe, food and water to sustain life. It&`&s incredible that efforts were needed to design this life support system flying around the planet. Aboard the international space station, a crew of astronauts from around the globe, captures and wonders our world as a field camp.From this unique and digital point, we gain insight into the impact we have on the environment and witness what human kind can accomplish when we work together. 地球上有我们赖以生存的所有条件。呼吸的空气,维持生命的食物和水。但是,我们设计出这种能在宇宙飞行并适合人类生存的系统可不是一件简单的事。在国际空间站,来自世界各地的宇航员们,将地球作为一次研究对象。怀着好奇探索这个世界。从如此独特的数字角度,我们得以了解人类对地球造成的影响,同时见证了众志成城完成的壮举。 The arrival to the space atation was possibly the happiest moment to my life.That was a pretty wild ride. Looking at the earth from the space, we need to start to consider ourselves as small as crew members, not passengers. Hello world, it&`&s nice to meet you.I&`&ve been waiting for this moment to come for all my life. The best part of being an astronaut is looking back at our home planet, especially at night, the cities are so bright and so vibrant, and so colorful.The earth is just so overwhelmingly beautiful. The world is ours. IMAX in cooperation with NASA invites you aboard the international space station for an incredible journey. 到达太空站可能是我这辈子最开心的事了。那真是挺刺激的。从太空看地球,我们才明白自己就是一名小船员,而非乘客。世界你好,很高兴见到你。这一刻的到来我已等了一辈子。作为宇航员最棒的事情就是从太空看地球。尤其在夜晚,城市看起来那么明亮,活力十足又多姿多彩。地球是如此美轮美奂。这是我们的世界。IMAX 联合美国国家航空航天局邀请你来到国际太空站,加入这场神奇的旅程。 It&`&s a giant universe out there.There are lots of stars, lots of planets, But there is nowhere like earth. To explore the chanllenges we face and the changes we can make to secure our future. From the sky to the sea to the air that we breathe. In the end it&`&s about understanding code of the natural world, words and then it&`&s about expanding the possibilities what we human beings can do. The world is ours. A beautiful planet.The voyage began April 29, exclusively in IMAX and IMAX 3D theaters. 宇宙无限大。有无数的星星和星球, 但地球是独一无二的。将带领你探索人类遇到的挑战和能做出的改变,为人类的未来做出贡献。从天空到海洋到我们呼吸的空气。此行的目的是为了解读大自然的语言,她的密码。寻求人类未来发展的可能。这是我们的世界。美丽的星球。4月29日,旅程即将开始。由IMAX和IMAX 3D 影院独家呈现。